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Heisman, Congrats Troy


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Yeah I thought Brady was going to be a somewhat close second place.


Did you notice when they called Troy's name, he didn't even shake the hand of Darren McFadden?


Good luck Troy, and I'd rather see you go to Cleveland than Oakland. Atleast there I can watch you play.

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Guest 78novaman


Did you notice when they called Troy's name, he didn't even shake the hand of Darren McFadden?




I think that was a simple oversight. He was in a nervous hurry to get to his mother. Give the guy a break, he's on national TV winning the biggest award in college sports. That's more pressure then I will probably ever know.....

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on to arizona!


i was suprised quinn was 3.


Are you kidding me. Im surpised he was in the top 5. His stats were so padded against shitty teams. He CANT win a big game. Why is he considered so good when he is under preasure he always folds. I mean anyone here right off the top of your head the last BIG game that Quinn won?? If you have to think thats a huge problem because he hasnt. OVERRATED on a OVERRATED team. Steve Slaton and mike hart deserved to be above him. Maybe even Ray rice as well.

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