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I am lookin at takin the courses as soon as possible, and money allows.

Where did you go?

How long were the courses?

How much was the cost?


I am lookin at the EMT-B course through the Delaware Area Career Center currently once this is taken I will be lookin at the Fire Fighter course since many place require you have both.


What else will be helpful in the long run to learn, do or take?

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I took the Emt-B class at Tolles Tech. I'm pretty sure they offer the 240 class as well. Unless your gonna work for a township i'd let the city pay for it, go to the academy. IMO your medic training makes you way more valuable to your employer. I've heard this from numerous guys in the field as well (I have lots of family and even more friends working for Columbus Fire). I'd focus on your I and P cert's afterwards and pursue the 240 class as time permits, and only if you can't get into the academy.
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Columbus paid for mine........



Go get your EMT-B and your 240hr certificate. Some townships will hire you w/ just this and then try to get them to pay for your medic class. But having your "P" card will make you more appealing to departments.


You can also see if you can get into the State Fire Academy in Reynoldsburg. They also offer everything you need and is a very good program.

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they took 25 from the last test for the new class, your going to be waiting for another year at least




I'm on the waiting list for the CFD. I passed all the preliminary tests (written, physical, oral). I'm hoping I get a call back soon.
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gone through 240, emt-b, and emt-i shcool. in medic school now and im testing all over the state as well as working at a level 1 ED in columbus. make yourself avialable. ride at any department that will let you. talk to any FF you can and get as much info. walk into your local fire department in the afternoon and ask to talk to an Lt.(call before you go in). tell them what your goals are and then pick their brains with all questions.bring a note book for numbers. ask about application processes.


For emt/medic stuff CSCC is probably your best bet...the most thorough and the most comprehensive. The teachers are actual professors with 20+ years experience. plus might as well take classes that will count toward a college degree as some departments are starting to require degrees. i think the cost for cscc is $73per credid hour, but since they are a college you can get financial aid. cscc has an emt-b class starting this winter quarter, jan 3rd i think.



For Fire go to the fire academy or one of its brother programs. IF you live in franklin county, chances are you wount get into the actual fire academy due to people from all over ohio come to columbus to take it there. with the actual program you live on the campus in dorms, got to class for 12hrs a day, eat sleep and train fire. the program is like 3-4months


if and you dont get into the fire academy, look at places that go through the fire academy for training. i went to eastland career. they utilize the fire academy s staff, equipment, tests, and facilities. the only differences are you dont live there, you go for 4 or 5 hrs 3days during the week(in the evening) and 10-12hrs on saturday. the program lasts 5-6mo


not sure of the cost for 240 school, but if you get sponsored by a department(them letting you borrow their stuff) you can cut off upo to $1000 (500 save by not having to rent an SCBA from the 240 program and 500 for not having to rent turnout gear from the 240 program.)


Go to half priced books or the library and get a book on fire testing. get familiar with the terms of the trade.


oh yea, and get ready to get in the best shape of your life mentally and physically...you are preparing to enter a career that demands top performance and nothing less.


IM me at snowdoc83 for any more questions or contact info.

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I'm on the waiting list for the CFD. I passed all the preliminary tests (written, physical, oral). I'm hoping I get a call back soon.


Do you know your ranking? What band your in. The list came out and every station got a copy. I know we are taking 35 in this next class which is starting this december.


I wish we were taking alot more god knows we need it.

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