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Christian video game stokes controversy


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Another example of bigotism. Apparently, the religious right-wingers can attack other companies and video games including ones they don't even understand the point of, i.e; Rockstar's Bully, but will market this game.

My favorite part from this article quoted:


"The reality is that our game perpetuates prayer and worship and that there is no killing in the name of God," said Troy Lyndon, CEO of Left Behind Games. "There is killing of course, it is a video game. But the basis of the game is spiritual welfare."

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Billy Graham Bible Blaster?


And the Left Behind books have been out for years, and I at least have heard no controversy surrounding them. My mom has read the entire series, says it is the best series of books she has ever read.


I hate video game ratings whores "OH MAI GAWD A GAME WITH GOD IN IT?!?!?!"

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I read the Left Behind books years ago and thought they were good. I have been highly dissappointed how they have continued to try to cash in on the popularity of the series. Including writing books that are set before the original first book in the series. A couple weeks ago I saw the game. I was ok with it but it seems like they are really pushing it. But I guess if I was a parent and my child liked the Left Behind Kids series, I would be willing to get it for them.


What I find more funny was the article about the Jewish rabbi game that you can download for $5. I can't believe any Jewish person would get behind that game since it feeds directly into the stereotype of a Jewish man. If I remember right it is a game about a Jewish rabbi trying to find ways to make more money for his temple.

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Yeah, I'm not so bothered by the game (to each their own) and I've actually read a few of the Left Behind series quite some years ago. Hell, if someone gave it to me, I'd at least try it out being an avid gamer and viewing it only as such. Just how they seem to carry a double standard is what bothers me. Eh, it was more for discussion anyway. :D
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"The reality is that our game perpetuates prayer and worship and that there is no killing in the name of God," said Troy Lyndon, CEO of Left Behind Games. "There is killing of course, it is a video game. But the basis of the game is spiritual welfare."

Classic christian hypocrasy right thar'. Or maybe he means killing for fun is ok, just not for god.

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I can't believe any Jewish person would get behind that game since it feeds directly into the stereotype of a Jewish man. If I remember right it is a game about a Jewish rabbi trying to find ways to make more money for his temple.


I agree, and I will help you fight this cause. Of course, we will need funding. I will PM you my paypal address.

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