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Drunk Dialing


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lol, My gf called me last night from Ill (friend's graduation) drunk as hell, and the night before her friend called me while they were all drunk then, too. We discussed this very thing. I tried explaining to her after she said she was going to call her brother and someone else, too, that not everyone wants to speak to the drunk in the middle of the night no matter how much you think they do. I'm always courteous, of course, because it's my friends or whatever calling me. I try to curtail it however, when I'm drunk. It's generally pretty funny anyway and you get to remind them the next day about what a drunk ass they are. :D
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i tend to dial my buddy's g/f (who both live in PGH) all the time and remind her im going to steal her from my buddy next time im out (shes extremely good looking)


i never know i did it until the next morning when he calls to say "good one man!"



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written account of how fucking stupid you sounded

quoted just because.




i am not a drunk dialer. in fact, i have a terrible tendency to completely forget my phone exists when i am drunk. also, i lose all concept of the value of currency.



as a corollary to this thread, what kind of drunk are you?


I am two kinds of drunk. The first kind is when I drink at a reasonable pace and get drunk, I usually like to have retardedly hilarious adventures. Usually these nights end up in meeting some ridiculously fun people, adventures with police (good) and just random shennanigans.

The other kind of drunk is the blackout. This only happens when I start hard, because I get drunk really fast and lose the ability to slow down. This usually ends up in me puking a LOT, forgetting to drink water and having a horrible hangover, and often times there are people ushering me out of a party before I start a fight after I tripped and spilled beer on someone's Pumas, and he got in my face.

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Good question Alex.


I am a loud, try-to-be fun drunk. I usually like to end drama with people have everyone get along when I am drinking. Basically, I like to be fucking stupid if I can make people smile/laugh.


My other drunk is if anything happens towards, not so much me, but any one of my friends, I get super pissed and want to throw down. Sometimes this isn't such a good idea. :)

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most tuff drunk guys in marysville 90% of the time are lames, but i do give it to them cuz the other 10% are either boxers or mma fighters. but paul you know all the jackass that hang out at the locker room to fight, you always see them in the police beat in the paper.......



but i have done the same thing before, i call people and dont know why, the next morning i regret it.

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