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Firefox shit.


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As most of you know, I've been a VERY avid hater of Firefox and honest defender of Internet Explorer, especially since IE7 came out.


However, I've stumbled across Firefox v2 recently and will admit I've been using it pretty extensively while traveling. Although I'm not quite 100% dedicated to it, especially since I use IE7 at home for everything, it's growing on me. I will say, I absolutely hated FF v1.5 with a passion and would have rather used Netscape than it. But thus far FF v2 is pretty cool with the shit I can do with it, and it's made improvements over the amount of ridiculous plugins v1.5 required to do anything.


Not quite a total transition, but maybe in the coming months. It's gonna take some more getting used to, especially because the amount of options and plugins intimidates me :)

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Well, the instant skin thing kicks ass.


Skins? Who the fuck cares about skins? I want to look at web pages. Not faggy skins with gay pictures and shit that make my computer look like a Mac. Skins. You're such a homo.

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You're all homos. IE6 FTW. I can’t stand all that frilly bullshit, I just want to surf the fucking internet.



I hate IE7, too much bullshit. and i have had it lock up a couple of computers on me cause of the page it was trying to display.

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Where the hell are people getting these Firefox arguments from? Pink streamers? Do you people with the porn arguments know that actually wont get any virii from sites when you use Firefox? Have you people actually ever used Firefox? How can you people honestly defend Microshaft Idiot Exposer 6 and 7?
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I like IE from the standpoint that users in the offices I go in and have to work everyday use it so its kinda nice to know about, but I switched to firefox awhile back and I've had 99% less problems surfing porn sites and other shit that used to get IE all the time and have me downloading patches. Even with the exact same firewall and other network stuff so the problem was definately IE.

I did notice my office upgraded to IE 7 the other day and it now has alot of the stuff I like in firefox, but I bet the security is still crap.



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