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Smoking ftl


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Guy with the fire extinguisher needs his ass kicked.

We have these bullshit laws here in Ohio that the rest of the country laughs at.

It's a bit odd that we seem to want to give rights to tiny assed religious groups that don't want God or Christmas mentioned in public because it offends them, but we will take rights away from smokers citing all sorts of questionable medical research.

I am waiting on the first asshole that decides to sue his boss / company / whoever for getting lung cancer because of second hand smoke. That right there is going to decide the fate of alot of this anti-smoking bullshit. Either the supreme court will decide that smokers are liable for something that can't be 100% proven (second hand smoke causes cancer) or this shit is going to stop. And before someone strats putting up studies about second hand smoke, remember that there are as many studies that prove those studies wrong. I am not saying that smoking is not going to kill you, it does kill some people. But the issue is right now that everyone wants someone to blame, and for the time being, it's going to be smokers. We seem to cause SIDS and birth defects and even ear aches by simply walking by smelling of smoke.

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Guy with the fire extinguisher needs his ass kicked.

We have these bullshit laws here in Ohio that the rest of the country laughs at.

It's a bit odd that we seem to want to give rights to tiny assed religious groups that don't want God or Christmas mentioned in public because it offends them, but we will take rights away from smokers citing all sorts of questionable medical research.

I am waiting on the first asshole that decides to sue his boss / company / whoever for getting lung cancer because of second hand smoke. That right there is going to decide the fate of alot of this anti-smoking bullshit. Either the supreme court will decide that smokers are liable for something that can't be 100% proven (second hand smoke causes cancer) or this shit is going to stop. And before someone strats putting up studies about second hand smoke, remember that there are as many studies that prove those studies wrong. I am not saying that smoking is not going to kill you, it does kill some people. But the issue is right now that everyone wants someone to blame, and for the time being, it's going to be smokers. We seem to cause SIDS and birth defects and even ear aches by simply walking by smelling of smoke.


It wasn't that guy's property to decide he had the right to smoke or not. He illegally was smoking in there and someone took it upon themself to fix that, and you blame the company?

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It wasn't that guy's property to decide he had the right to smoke or not. He illegally was smoking in there and someone took it upon themself to fix that, and you blame the company?


It's been said several times this is fake, and I agree. But I will say that the smoke banning Nazi's do have this mentality. I wasn't sure for a while it was this bad until I had some 20 something girl start making asshole comments like "Ain't it against the law to smoke?" and a few other similar asshole comments as I was standing outside of the Max & Erma's in Gahanna (only now are they covered with the state ban at the time you could smoke in the smoking section and at the bar) I replied "No more than it is to be an stupid bitch and try to infringe on other peoples rights" or something equally degrading and demeaning.


Point is that between the state and their biggoted taxes on a specific product, figuring that acohol and auto accidents kill far more people than tobacco products, but these are not looked at for 2.00 a bottle tax on beer. I see it like this, if you are going to outlaw the shit, do so. But do it at a federal level, like weed. Speaking of weed, Ohio is making it illegal to smoke tobacco in public, and other states are trying to go against a FEDERAL LAW and legalize weed. How much fucking sence does that make exactly?

Motherfuckers that have never smoked a day in theri lives die of cancer from a number of causes. And there are cases of people burnin 2 packs a day and living to be 90. So someone tell me how smoking is a gaurenteed trip to an early grave and have data to back it up. The numbers I have heard are it will shorten your life 1 yr for every year you smoke. But that's not even close to being true. If you live to be 70 and started when you were 20 that would be 50 yrs, which is a reasonable number. So if you don't smoke you should live to be 120? What???? and how about the folks that hang around till they are 90 and started at 20. Now we are at 70 yrs smoking, so they would have lived to be 160?


interesting fact, Califorina considers testosterone, estrogen, and carbon monoxide a bigger cancer causing risk than nicotine.



And them is the loonie bunch ofver on the left coast, so what's the real issue here?

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So far every study I have seen has at LEAST stated that smoking affects your health negatively, on what level, who knows? With that I think the people who want to live NATURALLY and just go out and breath fresh air wherever they go should be guarenteed that first before the people sucking on smoke.
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