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PlayStation 3?

Dr. Pomade

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Just called all of the Toys R Us' in the city, and all of them were sold out. Same with the WalMart's and several of the Target stores. Additionally, I called Putty, and he said that he got rid of his this morning.


Stillman, I may check into WalMart online. BTW, got your text, thanks.

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if you're still looking for one, the Walmart off of rome-hilliard still has about 10-15 as of 8pm. They announced a 'new shipment' as i was doing last minute grocery shopping! good luck


Thanks, I'll relay that to Jessica - she's out shopping for one right now. Of course, by now, I'm sure they've sold out of them.


PS3 sucks.


Don't care, retard.


John: Will you marry me?

Jessica: Hmmmm.. maybe

John: Pleeeeeeeeeeease, I'll buy you a ps3

Jessica: okay!


LOL - that's exactly how it went down. :)

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talk to putty he had one new in box he was trying to sell.


Shawn, I did - he took it back yesterday morning.


My brother had one he was trying to sell. He didn't have any luck on e-bay. If you would like I can call him and see if he still has it. He was considering returning it to bestbuy. It's a 20GB version.


Yeah, if you don't mind, see if he still has it. You can PM me if you want me to call you/him/whoever. Thanks.

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Don't waste your money.


that being said last night i watched 2 of them on ebay got for 100$ less then retail.


If you can wait go the ebay route.


If not my sisters boyfriend works at walmart and said more were coming in Wednesday.

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