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Terminator is getting Fragile


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Though one of the strongest bones in the human body, the femur is commonly broken in skiing accidents, said Dr. Marc Safran, director of sports medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, Medical Center.


or when a dirt bike lands on you


Depending on the location and extent of the break, the governor's surgery could include inserting a rod into his leg, securing the injured section with a plate and screws, or even a partial hip replacement if the injury was up near the hip, Safran said


a rod hold my leg together, i bet he gets the samething


Recovery can take six weeks or longer, but the governor could be walking in time for the inauguration, likely needing crutches or a cane, Safran said.


i broke mine oct. 7 and i just started walking 2 weeks ago. unless they do the surgery he deffently won't be on crutches or a cane and he'll be doped up good.

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