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cable box questions


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ok my friend asked me if i knew where to get a cable descrambler box. i dont know if they even work or if u can get them still. i know there tring to get rid of analog cable anyway cuz its out of date . but do these magical descramblers they sell on ebay and other sites realy work ? any imput good or bad experiences?
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ok my friend asked me if i knew where to get a cable descrambler box. i dont know if they even work or if u can get them still. i know there tring to get rid of analog cable anyway cuz its out of date . but do these magical descramblers they sell on ebay and other sites realy work ? any imput good or bad experiences?


Back in the 90's I sold them while in college , they worked like a charm. But, now we have the digital cable so I don't know.

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Digital cable is not hackable to the best of my knowledge due to the negiotion method they use. People sell this filter concept that does nothing more then keep your upload of what you watch on ppv from disappearing. but they dont work eather you just get buttfscked later when the box does get to upload.
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stealing cable is a felony, go ahead, it's worth it......



As someone in the cable field, I know some of these descramblers do work, some don't. That said, it IS illegal, and further, a lot of the premium analog channels are going away as digital becomes more popular = they are becoming much less useful and relavant. The basic analog channels will always be there, but an illegal box doesn't do anything w/ those anyway.

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