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I'm in Califorina in the middle of the desert...

Trouble Maker

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Yeah, a little. Helps keep the tires and brakes a little cooler. But that's really negligible on a 4.5mi road course in an SUV.


This is dry testing, so we need dry. Temp doesn't so much matter. But we are supposed to get light snow the next two mornings. We are finished after tomorrow though. Cold here is good because it means cold everywhere, including Minnesota. So it's much easier to keep the snow up there and it might actually snow.


I'll be home the 19th for the weekend, but I have to work at Mad River over the weekend, so I probably won't have much free time. :o I'll definitely give you a call if I'm doing anything.

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What do you do? Sounds fun!


Vehicle Test Engineer. It's pretty fun. Like every job, has it's upsides and downsides.


I'm in North Carolina. Wanna trade?


I've thought about moving to North Carolina for a while. Where are you at and what's the weather like?

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It was 35 degrees when I came in this morning (7 am), which is horrible for snow testing. We got 12-15 inches of snow at the track on Tuedsay night, but that will all be ruined if it stays like this. Hopefully this is the last warm day we have.
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It was 35 degrees when I came in this morning (7 am), which is horrible for snow testing. We got 12-15 inches of snow at the track on Tuedsay night, but that will all be ruined if it stays like this. Hopefully this is the last warm day we have.


Isn't it supposed to get colder over there next week? Yeah, we had the same problem in December in Minnesota, way too warm. We were getting down to the grass in some spots on the snow VDA.


jesse u are lucky i dont have to beat ur ass in bowling this weekend :D


Shawn, I was just getting the rust worked out the other weekend. ;) Seriously, I've never bowled a 200, you guys go bowling way too often.


Jesse, I'd be very disappointed if you didn't expect that. :p


Cold does matter for moisture, you should thank the weather. :)


Of course I didn't expect it to be this cold. I expected it to be average. I'm working near Cantil, staying in Tehapachi. Look it up. Average hi's in the 50's and lows in the 30's. They are talking about record lows this weekend.


Actually it got colder than it was supposed to. It's 22 right now and forecasted to be 16 tonight. Good thing we are going to be in LA tonight and it's going to be a balmy 33. :rolleyes:

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Of course I didn't expect it to be this cold. I expected it to be average.

When desert camping, I was told to always prepare for freezing weather during summer night. In fact, I have actually found early morning ice in Arizona...in june. LA is a different story, if its 33 there then it is a cold snap, the ocean and paved'ness of it usually regulate the temps better.


Still, I'm jealous, this weather here sucks.

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