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WOW cable(intenet/tv) issues?

street pilot

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I have the basic? package with WOW, cable TV and internet. I have never really been pleased with the analog TV signal, but just lived with it.


It seems like the last few weeks WOWs DNS servers have taken a shit multiple times, leaving the internet worse than dial up speeds. I decided to start using OpenDNS for my DNS servers, but the speeds still blow. I am averaging 800K down and 450K upload speeds. (multiple tests ran wired directly through the modem, no router)


Latency is frequently 90ms but lately there have been so many dropped packets I need to reboot the modem, then it is stable for another few days.


Anyone else with WOW notice issues lately? Is it even worth calling and seeing if there is something they can improve (amp/repeater/etc)?


I cant wait until Verizon fiber comes our way. :o

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Heh, I just found out I have HBO on demand too. Channel 412.


If you go to channel 01. WOAH.. all kinds of shit.


I also have starz on demand too. :)


Call WOW up.. they may end up replacing your modem. They did it 3-4 times for me in the past 7 years.

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I got my CableCard in my LCD and discover that on the cable card TV I get SkinamaxHD :o , and HBOHD but on my tv with the Box I do not get those channels.....


I thought my 6mb connection was slow the past few weeks too. For some reason my Netgear rangemax router, will only push through a 3-3.5mb connection to any of my PCs. :mad:

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Call in to have a service call. It's fixable.


I don't get why people bitch about something going wrong to a bunch of internet forums, instead of just simply calling the company (1-866-4WOW-NOW). We send a service guy out, fix your shit, and have a nice day. No biggie.


And yes, VOD (Video On-Demand) was released on 1/9/07. I've been in the testing of it for over a month prior to that; we had to work out a lot of bugs before we released it to the public. I expect there will be more improvements going into it within the next couple of months as well.


Just go to Channel 1.

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Call in to have a service call. It's fixable.


I don't get why people bitch about something going wrong to a bunch of internet forums, instead of just simply calling the company (1-866-4WOW-NOW). We send a service guy out, fix your shit, and have a nice day. No biggie.


I posted this to see if anyone else is having these issues. I finally decided something needed to happen and wanted to know if it was just my service/area. I will call during the week, but posting on "a bunch of internet forums" seemed more productive to me to gather information, since I highly doubt a tech will show up this weekend to fix it.

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Call WOW up.. they may end up replacing your modem. They did it 3-4 times for me in the past 7 years.


I'm guessing this is what needs to happen, had to reboot again today.


I would not expect FIOS to be in the Columbus area for a few years still.


True, but it does look promising!

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When FIOS gets here, I am going to burn my DSL modem.

Only problem you have is that Verizon is not the local service provider SBC is. So you will have to wait for SBC to bring Fiber to Columbus which will take a while at the pace that SBC does things. Currently in the NY metro Verizon offers FiOS which provides broadband, television, and phone to customers on dedicated lines. This ensures consistent performance. This allows customers to have all those services in addition to their cellular on one bill. I believe the broadband packages offer 10mb-15mb down and 1mb up on the fiber.

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thought I would correct myself.


Verizon FiOS is offered with faster speeds than what I posted.


Here is what I found


With FiOS Packages offering up to 30 Mbps downloads and 5 Mbps uploads (and even higher in some locations)

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I was going to post again, but I started having a problem the last few days.


Just loading a page takes forever. I bypassed my router and that seemed to help, so I'm guessing the router is on it's way out. No big deal.


I have about a 15 second lag when I bring up yahoo.com. Firefox (and IE) say "connecting".. then finally it comes up. It just doesn't pop up fast anymore.


Oh well, I guess I'll go on EVERY forum I'm on and bitch about it since it's the internet and such.. and I'm such a hardcore keyboard warrior.


side note, I can't remember, but is the PC light supposed to flash on the modem? It's just a steady blink, blink, blink, etc. I thought it was supposed to be solid.


Joe.. here's the router page. I used to get to all the tabs at the top (signal, status, log, etc). But I can't anymore.





Modem Serial Number



Cable Modem MAC Address



Hardware Version



Software Version



Receive Power Level

-2.2 dBmV


Transmit Power Level

39.3 dBmV


Cable Modem Status



Any of that make any sense Joe?

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Yes, all of that makes sense, the useful info for me is basically the MAC address (if I were to log in and check it), and transmit and receive levels, which are well within spec.


If bypassing the router helped, I'd assume that is what the problem is.


People LOVE to blame modems for everything, including customer service reps. Way more often than not, it's a problem with something OTHER than the modem.


And Street Pilot, we do service calls on Saturdays too. And a lot of them at that, I might add.

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Do you know of a reason I can't access the other parts of the modem? The signal, status and so on?


yeah, bypassing the router helped, but did not fix it. It's still pretty laggy opening up browsers and going to different sites.


I'll drop in another NIC and see what happens, but I'm not sure if that'll fix it.

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