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As far as a dissertation is concerned, I don't think that is necessary. However, a CITATION would be just fine.....


Since citations are used for academic witting I did not feel that one was necessary for this forum. Especially since the information is readily accessible on the net.


I will say, I liked how you diverted the attention of the subject matter to me not giving reference. Good way to dodge the subject!

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Guest Zoomtard

No one is dodging the subject, I was attempting to get you to acknowledge the fact that your "hit list" has no credible author and should not be taken as factual.


From dictionary.com


ci·ta·tion /saɪˈteɪʃən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sahy-tey-shuhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation


5. the act of citing or quoting a reference to an authority or a precedent.

6. a passage cited; quotation.


Also from dictionary.com


pla·gia·rism /ˈpleɪdʒəˌrɪzəm, -dʒiəˌrɪz-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pley-juh-riz-uhm, -jee-uh-riz-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

–noun 1. the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.

2. something used and represented in this manner.



regardless, you are just spewing typical republican bullshit, nothing new on this site.

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Guest Zoomtard
And as far as the subject is concerned, I am not a Hillary Clinton fan. However, a retarded 4 year old would protect the best interests of this country better than anyone in the Bush Administration.
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Can people give some reasons they don't like Hillary OTHER than


she's a woman

married to Bill

she's a democrat



Name the specific policies that she pushes that cause you to be against her.

Everyone here knows I'm a commie leftist liberal hippy. I dont like Hillary because she's a career politician. She positions herself where she needs to be be, she makes descisions based on what keeps her electable. She is not to be trusted, she's the Democratic George W Bush.

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Guest Zoomtard
Everyone here knows I'm a commie leftist liberal hippy. I dont like Hillary because she's a career politician. She positions herself where she needs to be be, she makes descisions based on what keeps her electable. She is not to be trusted, she's the Democratic George W Bush.



Aside from the fact that she is a career politician being a downside, name some decisions and beliefs she has changed in order to remain "electable"

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regardless, you are just spewing typical republican bullshit, nothing new on this site.


Leave then!


And as far as the subject is concerned, I am not a Hillary Clinton fan. However, a retarded 4 year old would protect the best interests of this country better than anyone in the Bush Administration.


Got a citation for that? Our are you spewing more typical liberal, moveon.org, George Soros, Air America, crap that is based entirely on opinion rather than fact.:nutkick:

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I beleive that because of the mess up Bush did these past years mean that the Democrats pretty much have the presidential election. They just need to get a good person to run. Hillary, well I like what her husband did for our country, he got us out of the shit hole Bush Sr. put us in. But I think because she is a women, it is going to hold her back from winning. Obama, I don't think he has a chance in hell of wining based on his name and his heratiage. I am not sure of who the other major players in the democrats corner are, but they got to be good and clean. As for the Republicians, they need to really bring their game to the table. Guiliani was a horrible mayor, cited as being one of the worst in NY history. His only saving grace was 9/11, but also if he had run a good city before then, a lot less people wouldn't have lost there lives. The only person that I think can win from the Republician party is McCain. If he runs, the democrats are really going to have trouble winning. McCain is very popular in both parties. I know I would vote for him if he runs, and I am a democrat.
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Guest Zoomtard

I don't need a citation for that, those words are mine, not someone elses..... You should try it sometime.


And yes, it IS based entirely on opinion, because it is MY opinion which is made up from the track records of "our" current president and his lackeys.


You aren't really impressing me, you should try just a WEE bit harder.


As far as the "LEAVE THEN!", that is to be expected from people like you. 20 bucks says you have one of those flea market tshirts in you closet that says "If you don't like my country then get the hell out!" Disagreement and debate has never really accomplished anything, has it? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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As far as the "LEAVE THEN!", that is to be expected from people like you. 20 bucks says you have one of those flea market tshirts in you closet that says "If you don't like my country then get the hell out!" :rolleyes::rolleyes:


No, I have two of them!

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Would you let your Dentist's wife do a root canal on you??? no.

Would you let your urologist's wife preform a vasectomy on you???? no.

Would you allow your lawyer's wife to defend you in a capital case???? Hell no!

Because NONE of them are qualified to do the job based solely on the fact that their husbands do this for a living.


SO, Why would we allow an ex-presidents wife to run the fucking country? What makes her qualified? Being a senator ain't enough. That's like saying that Coleman is qualified to be Governor because he is a city mayor, that does a pissy job at it to boot.

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Guest Zoomtard

Well, according to the constitution, you know, that "goddamn piece of paper", the qualifications are:


"be a natural born citizen of the united States

be at least 35 years old

have lived in the U.S. for at least 14 years"


As far as I can tell by looking at the constitution, one does not HAVE to be a governer before they can be president. Shit, someone could go from working at Foot Locker to being president if they are charismatic enough.... (theoretically, we all know that one needs to be WEALTHY if they are to run an effective campaign)


What type of political career is one supposed to have before becoming GOVERNER then?



What type of political career did Reagan have before he was elected governer of California? What type of political career did Bush have before he was elected governer of Texas?







Would you let your Dentist's wife do a root canal on you??? no.

Would you let your urologist's wife preform a vasectomy on you???? no.

Would you allow your lawyer's wife to defend you in a capital case???? Hell no!

Because NONE of them are qualified to do the job based solely on the fact that their husbands do this for a living.


SO, Why would we allow an ex-presidents wife to run the fucking country? What makes her qualified? Being a senator ain't enough. That's like saying that Coleman is qualified to be Governor because he is a city mayor, that does a pissy job at it to boot.

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Would you let your Dentist's wife do a root canal on you??? no.

Would you let your urologist's wife preform a vasectomy on you???? no.

Would you allow your lawyer's wife to defend you in a capital case???? Hell no!

Because NONE of them are qualified to do the job based solely on the fact that their husbands do this for a living.


it depends if that wife is also a dentist a Urologist or a lawyer.


SO, Why would we allow an ex-presidents wife to run the fucking country? What makes her qualified? Being a senator ain't enough. That's like saying that Coleman is qualified to be Governor because he is a city mayor, that does a pissy job at it to boot.


If a mayor is not qualified to be a govenor then what makes a govenor qualified to be a president?

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When trying to make an insult, misspelling a common product such as Jim BeaM makes you look pretty fucking stupid. If you stole that pic from somewhere, even worse.


Shit, someone could go from working at Foot Locker to being president if they are charismatic enough....


Obama HUSSEIN still won't win, sorry

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Guest Zoomtard

Congratulations, you corrected a spelling error that was not mine. The message of the picture was still intact despite that misspelling, so I used it.


What the hell does Obama have to do with Footlocker? retard

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Aside from the fact that she is a career politician being a downside, name some decisions and beliefs she has changed in order to remain "electable"
Were you paying attention when she got her current job?



What's with the "Obama Husein" comments, did I miss something? Is it a "brown guy" joke?

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