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true but his son spent even more time on vacation and it shows.

Wrong, George Sr spent 543 days over 4 years, that's 37% of the time he was in office. Are you allowed one vacation day for every 3 you work? He was paid $250,000 a year by us taxpayers, so we paid him $371,917 to do nothing.


IMHO... I just don't see any good people that are lining up to run in 08'


If you want to see good people, go join a small church or charity organization. This is politics, no room for hippies here.

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Probs with Hilly? Anti-gun, bigtime. Socialist, very. Her "Hillarycare" would've been expensive, ineffective, and would have taken away your choice of doctors. Worst, bureaucrats would have had the final say in what was "medically necessary".


What the government provides, they can control, or take away entirely. Waaaay too much control in the hands of a bunch of stuffed shirts.

And the Libs bitch about government intrusion under Bush....idiots.


Lately, has presented herself as more moderate to broaden her appeal, but if you think she's thown out her copy of Das Kapital, you're kidding yourself.

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Guest Zoomtard

I will give you the healthcare argument, I disagree with her on that as well. It was a start though, and there was no bipartisan effort at resolving the healthcare situation which has spiraled WAY out of control over the past 10 years. Instead of trying to HELP resolve the issue, republicans sat back and waited for it to fail so they could gloat.


I am antigun as well. I think guns are a HORRIBLE necessity though. I do have a concealed carry permit, because "what if?" Hillary isn't going to take your guns away, so stop worrying. That is old republican bullshit to scare people from voting democrat.


As far as her socialist beliefs, I agree with a lot of them. If all corporations could be trusted to have some social responsibility, there would really be no need to support democratic socialism. Unfortunately, that will never happen because human beings in general are self centered, and a corporation is merely an artificial human being. This is why most companies care only about how to improve profits and decrease costs.

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I am antigun as well. I think guns are a HORRIBLE necessity though. I do have a concealed carry permit, because "what if?" Hillary isn't going to take your guns away, so stop worrying. That is old republican bullshit to scare people from voting democrat.


That is the most double talk in 5 sentences I have ever seen.


I am antigun... But I have CCW permit


Guns are horrible....but they are a necessity


Hillary wont take your guns away....The people in England did not think it would happen either.


The Republicans only tell people that to scare them.... Take away rights a little at a time is how it is done.


As far as her socialist beliefs, I agree with a lot of them. If all corporations could be trusted to have some social responsibility, there would really be no need to support democratic socialism. Unfortunately, that will never happen because human beings in general are self centered, and a corporation is merely an artificial human being. This is why most companies care only about how to improve profits and decrease costs.


Employees tend to be very self centered also. All they care about is what is in it for me. "How much will insurance cost,how much are you going to pay me, what about my 401K."


Both sides are greedy. I am thankful for those people that take the risk to build these large corps. so others may have jobs. That is what our nation survives on

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What are you kids talking about in Regards to Obama's "heritage". He is half-white, half-black, Hawaii-born, and Harvard-trained?


You would really not vote for someone because his middle name is shared by a former dictator?


I have heard about bible groups and ultra-conservatives referring to him as the anti-Christ. It is insane what some people will believe.


He is probably this countries closest thing to a real person as president in this century. I suspect we will all be surprised at his ability to overcome something as insignificant as his middle fucking name.

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Guest Zoomtard
That is the most double talk in 5 sentences I have ever seen.


I am antigun... But I have CCW permit


Guns are horrible....but they are a necessity


Hillary wont take your guns away....The people in England did not think it would happen either.


The Republicans only tell people that to scare them.... Take away rights a little at a time is how it is done.


Double talk you say? It's called living in the real world, genius. I think the world would be a better place if guns had NEVER BEEN INVENTED. Unfortunately, they were, and they are here to stay. Rather than allow myself to believe that it is POSSIBLE to round up each and every gun on the planet, I do what is necessary to protect myself should a situation arise that might merit the use of deadly force. Do I like guns? No. Do I think they are necessary, yes. Jesus you are stupid.




Employees tend to be very self centered also. All they care about is what is in it for me. "How much will insurance cost,how much are you going to pay me, what about my 401K."


Both sides are greedy. I am thankful for those people that take the risk to build these large corps. so others may have jobs. That is what our nation survives on


Yes, both sides ARE greedy. Unfortunately, INSURANCE, RATE OF PAY AND RETIREMENT are NECESSITIES for people who WORK! Seven figure salaries and Seven figure bonuses are UNNECESSARY! Do I think that everyone should be payed the same? No. Do I think there are limits as to the luxury people live in while their workers cannot afford basic necessities? YES. Capitalism is not perfect and our country is a SHINING example of that.

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Yes, both sides ARE greedy. Unfortunately, INSURANCE, RATE OF PAY AND RETIREMENT are NECESSITIES for people who WORK! Seven figure salaries and Seven figure bonuses are UNNECESSARY! Do I think that everyone should be payed the same? No. Do I think there are limits as to the luxury people live in while their workers cannot afford basic necessities? YES. Capitalism is not perfect and our country is a SHINING example of that.


Who are these workers in the US who cannot afford basic necessities? Even illegal aliens are living well here. According to this article, 94.7% of Americans have a color TV in their house. I just came back from two weeks in Panama, where my girlfriend's friend, who is a college student, walks almost a mile to my girl's house to use the phone. She has no phone, no TV, no computer. Her family of 6 just bought some furniture to put in their little unpainted, unfinished house. And you know what? They're happy as can be! They are grateful for the things they have. We need to redefine "poverty" in America.



Limits on the luxuries? I have this friend here in Ohio named Chuck, people don't understand why we are friends, since we are so different:


Early 90s: Both Chuck and I are in high school.


Mid 90s: I graduate and start working at RPS (now FedEx Ground) loading trucks with packages. Chuck decides he doesn't want to go to high school anymore and drops out. His mom doesn't care, and even gets him to apply for social security income (welfare) because she makes too little to support her and him. At this point, Chuck is getting more money from the government than I am from RPS.


Late 90s: I decide I need to do more than just load trucks all day. I start going to DeVry in '97. Chuck continues on welfare, although he never sees the money, his mom grabs the check each month. She does buy stuff for him, like Nintendo 64, which he plays all day at home.


2000: I graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems, and start working at Alliance Data Systems, as a Programmer/Analyst. I'm making big money now. Chuck continues on welfare, and he's gaining a lot of weight.


2001-Present: I receive 2 promotions at Alliance. I hear all around me about how the economy sucks, but I don't see it, I'm living my version of the American dream. Meanwhile, Chuck gets pissed at his mom for taking the welfare money, so he starts working at Kroger full time collecting shopping carts. The welfare office finds out, and cuts his welfare. I tell him it's a step in the right direction, but his mom is angry at him, and keeps nagging him to quit. He gives in, they apply for welfare again, and they are denied. They spend the next year in pretty bad shape, getting food from "The Food Pantry" and living day to day. Chuck tries to get jobs, but his poor work record prevents it. He can't even get a job at Wendy's because at his age, he can't work there without a high school diploma. He applies for welfare again, and this time they approve him, with the condition he works at the welfare office as a custodian. He only has to work 20 hours a month, and they give him around 255 in food stamps, and $50 in cash a month. That's where he is now.


Do I pity Chuck at all? Absolutely not, he choose that life for himself. According to your argument, the government should limit my luxuries, which I worked hard for, and give them to people like Chuck. Sadly, it is already like that. If anything, I would like it to go the other way, and for the government stop taking so much of my money.


I love this country, and I love capitalism.


Oh! By the way, in 2004, I voted Republican, and Chuck and his mom? You guessed it. Democrat.

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Guest Zoomtard
Oh, okay baby, sorry about that. I was just going by the maturity of your writing.


In relation to :


"You're all homos. IE6 FTW. I can’t stand all that frilly bullshit, I just want to surf the fucking internet. "


"His major is "Homosexual Ass-rape Engineering" with a minor in "Cock sucking"."


The only real post you have made with some substance that I could find was your link to the LWV back in November in order to help educate people here on voting. God knows they need it.


Anyway, if disagreeing makes me "immature" then oh well. I would rather be immature than insecure with my masculinity...

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Guest Zoomtard
Who are these workers in the US who cannot afford basic necessities? Even illegal aliens are living well here. According to this article, 94.7% of Americans have a color TV in their house. I just came back from two weeks in Panama, where my girlfriend's friend, who is a college student, walks almost a mile to my girl's house to use the phone. She has no phone, no TV, no computer. Her family of 6 just bought some furniture to put in their little unpainted, unfinished house. And you know what? They're happy as can be! They are grateful for the things they have. We need to redefine "poverty" in America.



Limits on the luxuries? I have this friend here in Ohio named Chuck, people don't understand why we are friends, since we are so different:


Early 90s: Both Chuck and I are in high school.


Mid 90s: I graduate and start working at RPS (now FedEx Ground) loading trucks with packages. Chuck decides he doesn't want to go to high school anymore and drops out. His mom doesn't care, and even gets him to apply for social security income (welfare) because she makes too little to support her and him. At this point, Chuck is getting more money from the government than I am from RPS.


Late 90s: I decide I need to do more than just load trucks all day. I start going to DeVry in '97. Chuck continues on welfare, although he never sees the money, his mom grabs the check each month. She does buy stuff for him, like Nintendo 64, which he plays all day at home.


2000: I graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems, and start working at Alliance Data Systems, as a Programmer/Analyst. I'm making big money now. Chuck continues on welfare, and he's gaining a lot of weight.


2001-Present: I receive 2 promotions at Alliance. I hear all around me about how the economy sucks, but I don't see it, I'm living my version of the American dream. Meanwhile, Chuck gets pissed at his mom for taking the welfare money, so he starts working at Kroger full time collecting shopping carts. The welfare office finds out, and cuts his welfare. I tell him it's a step in the right direction, but his mom is angry at him, and keeps nagging him to quit. He gives in, they apply for welfare again, and they are denied. They spend the next year in pretty bad shape, getting food from "The Food Pantry" and living day to day. Chuck tries to get jobs, but his poor work record prevents it. He can't even get a job at Wendy's because at his age, he can't work there without a high school diploma. He applies for welfare again, and this time they approve him, with the condition he works at the welfare office as a custodian. He only has to work 20 hours a month, and they give him around 255 in food stamps, and $50 in cash a month. That's where he is now.


Do I pity Chuck at all? Absolutely not, he choose that life for himself. According to your argument, the government should limit my luxuries, which I worked hard for, and give them to people like Chuck. Sadly, it is already like that. If anything, I would like it to go the other way, and for the government stop taking so much of my money.


I love this country, and I love capitalism.


Oh! By the way, in 2004, I voted Republican, and Chuck and his mom? You guessed it. Democrat.


Actually, if you could comprehend most of what you read, you would find that I have no PROBLEM AT ALL with varying degrees of wealth! Do you make a 7 figure salary yearly as well as 7 figure bonuses? REALLY? You DO?! WOW!


BTW, that story about Chuck was a tearjerker! Chuck is DEFINITELY a valid representation of ALL of the working poor. As far as a "color TV" being a luxury item, I would consider that to be commonplace in most households. Afterall, if they didn't have tvs, how would they watch Fox News to get all of their fair and balanced news information? How about the credit ratings of most of these people? Many of them get into things with good intentions, get in over their heads (which is what many lenders want) and then are stuck for YEARS paying off SUPER HIGH interest and fees. It's an easy trap to fall into and many people do.


Do I pity Chuck? No, I do not. I think the current welfare system is in need of MASSIVE reforms but that is not going to happen. Why? Because like you said, many poor people who take advantage of the welfare system VOTE DEMOCRAT!


As far as you living the American Dream, congratulations! The majority of people AREN'T! I tell you what, here is my solution, I think you will like it:


Let's completely eliminate welfare except in extreme circumstances. You know, if a baptist preacher is down on his luck and needs some government assistance, lets give it to him. Afterall, he deserves it for spreading the word of God, right? Instead, we will rely on churches to take care of the poor with the tithing from all of the self professed christians in this country. That should take care of everyone, right?


Let's outlaw abortion and teach abstinence only education in public schools. Then, since there is no welfare system, you and your fellow republicans can adopt all of the children that are suddenly up for adoption.


Let's lower the minimum wage back to $5.15 an hour because it is easy to live on minimum wage! $9640.00 a year is EASY to live on and better yourself!


Let's make all guns legal and ready to buy, even the automatic ones!


Global warming is a myth, scientists don't know anything! Let's scrap any funding that deals with protecting the environment, our kids aren't going to need clean water and air. Besides, that Jesus guy is coming back soon, and all will be well, right?


Health insurance is a LUXURY. If you don't have it, oh well. Our ancestors toughed it out through plague and smallpox and syphillis, so why can't the poor people of today?


I will add more later, but the FedEx guy just got here and I need to inspect his....er... my package.....

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The only real post you have made with some substance that I could find was your link to the LWV back in November in order to help educate people here on voting.


“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” --Abraham Lincoln

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Guest Zoomtard
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” --Abraham Lincoln


And in your attempt to prove yourself intelligent you rely on the words of someone else.

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Guest Zoomtard

That was meant to be sarcastic, I wasn't implying that your beliefs were strictly conservative. Just going over a few things that are always hot topics on the republican front..



As far as moving to Ven or Cuba, not my thing. No form of government is perfect, but good things can be adopted from all. socialism isn't all bad, just like communism isn't all bad and capitalism isn't all bad.

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As far as you living the American Dream, congratulations! The majority of people AREN'T! I tell you what, here is my solution, I think you will like it:


Let's completely eliminate welfare except in extreme circumstances. You know, if a baptist preacher is down on his luck and needs some government assistance, lets give it to him. Afterall, he deserves it for spreading the word of God, right? Instead, we will rely on churches to take care of the poor with the tithing from all of the self professed christians in this country. That should take care of everyone, right?


Let's outlaw abortion and teach abstinence only education in public schools. Then, since there is no welfare system, you and your fellow republicans can adopt all of the children that are suddenly up for adoption.


Let's lower the minimum wage back to $5.15 an hour because it is easy to live on minimum wage! $9640.00 a year is EASY to live on and better yourself!


Let's make all guns legal and ready to buy, even the automatic ones!


Global warming is a myth, scientists don't know anything! Let's scrap any funding that deals with protecting the environment, our kids aren't going to need clean water and air. Besides, that Jesus guy is coming back soon, and all will be well, right?


Health insurance is a LUXURY. If you don't have it, oh well. Our ancestors toughed it out through plague and smallpox and syphillis, so why can't the poor people of today?


I will add more later, but the FedEx guy just got here and I need to inspect his....er... my package.....


The American dream is different for everyone. Maybe they are not living your version of the American dream. Go to other places in the world many people cant afford the basic living necessities. Most the American "Poor" are not poor, they make bad choices in life, then can only afford a 25" tv and basic cable.


Many times I have patients come into my office belly aching about how they cant afford care, 5 minutes before they were telling me about the 3 horses at their home.(true story happened today) What are my thoughts? I think that they need to have better priorities in life. Give up the horse, the cable, the cell phone, or whatever, then comeback and cry you are poor. The bottom line is most people can afford to pay for most health care, most choose the big screen tv over paying for their health care.


As far as the minimum wage... any "minimum wage" is artificially inflating the cost of goods. The market should determine the cost of labor. No one pays a minimum wage to those of us that have start business and pay employees! If a person is not satisfied with the amount they are making, become better educated, and move up in the work force. Poverty is no excuse for complacency and lack of success.


As for as making all guns legal, including the automatic ones... they already are. You just need the right permits. New Albany keeps full auto MP5's in stock. I think I should go by two just to upset you!



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