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taking lithium grease off the paint.


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So it was kind of a nice day and I was going to take the bike out for a lil ride. I open the she door and hop on her to start my lil trip. i noticed that my tank was a lil stickier than it should have been. I turn on the light and this substance is all over my paint. There was a towel that had the same stuff on it. ( Riding excites me but damn not that much!!!!) Making a long story short my 5 year old had cover my machine with an entire can of lithium grease. His answer to the WHY? question was " I was waxing it for you" How do I get that off my bike and I have yet to think of a punishment as well!

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hahaha thats funny. kids do the darnedest things.

id say just wipe most of it off with a towel, then give the bike a good wash and wax? ive never had that problem though...

i know when i was little, just the fact that my dad was mad at me was punishment enough. id just tell him not to go into the shop when you arent with him, and leave it at that.

live and learn. besides, he was just trying to help you out :)

Edited by John
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Dish soap or any degreaser should work with water but make sure you put wax back on. It was cute of your kid to want to do something nice for his dad. though it does suck, you have to look at it thru his eyes. its the thought that counts. Nevermind punishment. but let him watch you next time you wax your ride and show him the right way to do it

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I don't know about the bike, but the kid was trying to be helpful. Have your 5 yr old help you clean the bike properly, so they know the consequences of their action(and then they can learn the proper way to do something).

Good Call!!!! I know what he and I are doing tomorrow!!

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