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Pepsi has crack


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I think pepsi is worse than cigarettes. No matter what I do, every time I try to ween myself off of the pepsi I go into withdrawl and am forced into going and drinking some more. I dont think I had this much trouble giving up cigarettes. I think there must be crack in the pepsi.
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close....believe me, I'm a sugar-holic and battle it daily.



I think pepsi is worse than cigarettes. No matter what I do, every time I try to ween myself off of the pepsi I go into withdrawl and am forced into going and drinking some more. I dont think I had this much trouble giving up cigarettes. I think there must be crack in the pepsi.
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went cold turkey 2 weeks ago and haven't felt better. :) its easy to do once you get the caffine outa your system.


quoted for the truth. I feel great when i do come off of it but the moment i get a few in me (usually if im at a party or family get together) i get back on it and makes it hard as hell to get off.

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went cold turkey 2 weeks ago and haven't felt better. Also have a unopened Mnt Dew at my desk that will never be opened. :) its easy to do once you get the caffine outa your system.





Its hard as well though. I just did it as well.

4 days of Headaches, nausea and loss of appetite.


All better :)

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Drink 1/2 to 1 gallon of water a day. This does wonders to your overall feeling. I don't drink regular pop unless someone gives it to me. Diet is fine for the most part. And I consume my caffeine with coffee with splenda or sugar free sobe rush, or candy ordered off of thinkgeek.com =)
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I had a patient that checked himself out of the hospital and came straight to my office after they wanted to take out his pancreas due to acute pancreatitis. I asked him how much water he drinks and he said he has not had plain water in about 15 years, "it rust your pipes". He stated that he only drinks Pepsi(12-24/day). I told him to go home and start drinking at least one gallon of water per day. Within three day he was better. He also looked about 10 years younger within a month.
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Pop is bad stuff. It dehydrates you REALLY bad. I drink one here and there and even an energy drink about once a week. I will drink one coffe a day usually, but water water water will do wonders for your body. If you ever have dry lips, nose, or eyes it is propobly due to not enough water. When I drink juice like cranberry I also mix it with half water, because most anything you drink is too strong. If I know I will go out drinking later I drink extra water all day. Laugh if you want, but if you start paying attention to your body and the way it feels and then think about how much water you have drank lately you will start seeing for yourself.
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I understand what you're saying. I was drinking Dr Pepper from the time I woke up until I went to sleep with glass of milk w/dinner. Nothing else. My biggest problem was finding something to substitute it with. I can't stand anything w/fake sugar. I don't care what brand it is, it tastes like shit. I can't drink alot of juices because of an ulcer. I do like Vitamin Water. One of the few flavored waters without fake sugar. I drink Perrier water, as well but I usually shake it up a bit to get rid of some of the carbonation as it has too much. But it's a way I like water and still get the carbonation feeling, I guess. I mix juices w/a little of the perrier, too. You gotta experiment with the mixtures, though. It was harder than trying to stop smoking (which I do again, now).
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I just gave it up to drop weight. I was around 12 a day on average. I had a few days of horrible headaches and now I feel great. I still enjoy the taste so I have 1 once in a while though.
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My wife and I both gave up pop of any kind and drink Vitamin Water in it's place instead. We don't gulp the stuff down, but it is cool that it tastes so good and there are like 15 flavors. Sam's Club and Kroger are the best places I've found to buy it.


I do like Vitamin Water. One of the few flavored waters without fake sugar.
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I cut it out completely about 3-4 weeks ago. I wasn't as bad as some of these guys drinking 12pk in a day but I guess ive had my fair share. Now I drink bottled water. The only time I drink soda is if im out to dinner or a semi-special occassion, and this is only because tap water in most restaurants sucks. Everything in moderation. I keep a pack of water at home and a pack in my car for when i go to work and the gym, roughly 5$ for a 36 pack of water its alot cheaper and a hell of alot better for you.


Havn't had the vitamin water yet, maybe i'll try it. As for what i use to like, Mt. Dew and Cherry coke were my favorite's.

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its unfortunate that people think its the caffeine that addictive. it isnt. caffeine has (get this) no long term negative side effects. what your addicted to, as caxide probably unknowingly pointed out, is the sugar, and probably some of the multitude of additives that are in soda.
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