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Kittah washing machine vid


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Ok - I like cats and hate animal cruelty and all that, but that was funny as heck.


Cats are so much more entertaining than dogs. A dog would just sit there and maybe shit or fart.


Wait a sec... washing a cat? Cats clean themselves. Dogs are the dirt shit-clinging stinkbombs of the animal kingdom. Oh wait, I forgot, yeah, entertainment. Got it.


+1 vid


I gotta try this to mine when they get on my shit list. "Time to go to the spa...."

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Ok - I like cats and hate animal cruelty and all that, but that was funny as heck.


Cats are so much more entertaining than dogs. A dog would just sit there and maybe shit or fart.



I just pissed all over the floor laughing from reading that because it's sooo true.

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