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Cutting Gel


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So What's the Catch about CUTTING GEL?

There are two... Second, you can't rub Cutting Gel all over your body at the same time. There is simply no way for your body to deal with that much newly released fat.


So WTF happens if you do? Do you die? I like how they tell you only what they want you to know to peak your interest.

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Im skeptical about that kinda thing. Just dont believe how. But I do know something that does work and thats a cycle of test/trend.j/k No I am not on roids, I do not dissagree with them, and I know some about them but my body produces enough testosterone naturally right now Im still showing results quickly and naturally. I am still having problems getting rid of these love handles so you should try that stuff and let me know if it does work.
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I fail to see the relevance... does it make you shit out all the bad stuff?

XanGo® Juice boasts a proprietary whole–fruit formula, harnessing a concentrated rush of xanthones—a vigorous family of next–generation phytonutrients. Sounds complex. But here’s the straight scoop. Research shows xanthones possess potent antioxidant properties that may help maintain intestinal health, strengthen the immune system, neutralize free radicals, help support cartilage and joint function, and promote a healthy seasonal respiratory system.
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never used it, but I can say that there's only two things you can do to loose fat and look better. eat less, and exercise more.


I seriously doubt their claim to target stubborn body fat. i've yet to see any supplements or some spot-reducing cream work.


Genetics has so much to do with body fat deposits. Most men store fat first in the lower abdominals, sides of the waist and lower back. That's a fact. Once you put on fat, you can’t selectively choose where you withdraw the fat. You need to burn off fat all over your body and it will more or less come off in reverse order it went on.


You have to increase your metabolism and work out/exercise. You can take all the speed me up drugs you want, but you'll loose zero fat if you don't increase your activity. In the mean time, you'll kill your kidney's and liver and stress your heart. The scary thing is many folks don't know the damage until later in life. Not everyone downing Ripped Fuel will get sick or die in the year or two, but they are potentially causing damage inside.


Anyway, good luck, I didn't mean to get on my soap box. I'm close to the matter as my brother of 46 years died last July. He was 32 when he was diagnosed w/cancer. He lost quite a bit of organs over the next few years....and while he wasn't a body building he did work out a lot and used the short-cut methods for many years. I truly believe he killed himself certainly didn't help himself the right way. His kidney's, pancreases, gall bladder and liver were pretty much shot by age 40. Dr's said it was pretty bad and not just cancer that killed him.


Be safe.

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never used it, but I can say that there's only two things you can do to loose fat and look better. eat less, and exercise more.


I seriously doubt their claim to target stubborn body fat. i've yet to see any supplements or some spot-reducing cream work.


Genetics has so much to do with body fat deposits. Most men store fat first in the lower abdominals, sides of the waist and lower back. That's a fact. Once you put on fat, you can’t selectively choose where you withdraw the fat. You need to burn off fat all over your body and it will more or less come off in reverse order it went on.


You have to increase your metabolism and work out/exercise. You can take all the speed me up drugs you want, but you'll loose zero fat if you don't increase your activity. In the mean time, you'll kill your kidney's and liver and stress your heart. The scary thing is many folks don't know the damage until later in life. Not everyone downing Ripped Fuel will get sick or die in the year or two, but they are potentially causing damage inside.


Anyway, good luck, I didn't mean to get on my soap box. I'm close to the matter as my brother of 46 years died last July. He was 32 when he was diagnosed w/cancer. He lost quite a bit of organs over the next few years....and while he wasn't a body building he did work out a lot and used the short-cut methods for many years. I truly believe he killed himself certainly didn't help himself the right way. His kidney's, pancreases, gall bladder and liver were pretty much shot by age 40. Dr's said it was pretty bad and not just cancer that killed him.


Be safe.


Completely 100% agree. Sorry to hear about your brother but I think your right every action has an equal and opposite reaction. You can expect to injest that poison for year's and still expect to live till your 80. I'd rather have a little chub and work out regularly than take any artificial drinks/drugs to get there faster and look better.

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Ok now im a little worried, are protein supplements a bad thing(s)? Or are we talking about more than just that. Ive been drinkin these things like once or twice a day and work out everyday and have been getting great results the past couple months, i rarely wake up sore anymore, I dont want to have to worry about any long term affects.
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Can't say I agree 100%. Eating less is bullshit. Eating smaller meals MORE often is where people miss out a lot. You need to let your body know it can get food on a regular schedule. Once you do this, combined with eating the right food, your body will not need to store so much fat. Fat = Energy. Protein = muscle. It is easier for our body to break down protein for energy than to convert fat to energy. Fat is there for us to function off of for body stress; such as no food, illness, and even cushion for our joints. Therefore, if you are not losing the fat you want and you are working out all the time, you may need to reevaluate your food intake. Taking a pill or rubbing a gel on your body to burn fat is a ton of stress to the body. If it is done, I would cycle it with 42 days on and 21 off.


And get the thought out of your head about "spot reduction". Meaning if you work an area that has fat, it will burn the fat from that area. It just can't happen. Remember, your body is going to work as efficiently as it can. So it will covert the energy it needs from the easiest source, protein. Men and women burn fat from different area as a priority. As stated earlier, men retain in the mid section, while women retain in the hips and triceps area. And of course these are the areas most looked at for results. I have not written programs or trained people for about 8 years now. But when I did, I would tell them not to get on a scale with out me being there. And then I wouldn't let them look. I would write down their improvements along they way and review it with them every 8 weeks(for people with 40 lbs. or more to loose). I would always hear from them that they aren't seeing the difference. But, the scale would tell me if they were sticking to the program. You can loose about 20 lbs. and not even notice when you are start training.


Eric had mentioned Yellow jackets. I personally can't do them. The spike and crash is too much for me. A time release like Stemerex or Lipadrine is much easier for me to deal with and I love the stuff when I train with it. IT MUST BE CYCLED. Anyway it is very had to come by as of 10 days ago so good luck finding it. I completely agree with going to Nutrition Forum http://www.nutritionforumonline.com/ . The owner, Jason, is the most "in the know" guy in this area and wants nothing more than to help you out and see you make progress. Be straight forward with what results you want, and they will tell you what to get, low budget or high budget.


At this point I can go on and on and get further off topic. So I'm going to stop.


Good luck.

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I'm no doctor, but I have three in the family, one of whom is a sports playing nut and another avid bicyclist and based on what we talk about, they aren't all bad. Just don't over-use them or not workout and take them, etc...drink plenty of pure water too. Kidneys are very resilient organs, but the liver and kidney's can only filter so much stuff and stay healthy. Keep them flushed with good old H2O.


Ok now im a little worried, are protein supplements a bad thing(s)? Or are we talking about more than just that. Ive been drinking these things like once or twice a day and work out everyday and have been getting great results the past couple months, i rarely wake up sore anymore, I don't want to have to worry about any long term affects.
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in the last month I have lost 15 lbs. I am finally below 200 lbs and would like to lose another 15 to 20.


I'll tell you what is hard, aint no getting around that but now that I am beging to see the results it has made the last month worth it.


here is what I do/eat each day.

workout 30 to 45 min depending on how hard i push myself.

breakfast one serving of oatmeat and small glass of OJ

snack banana and cheese stick,small gatoraid

lunch is a chicken breast or hamburger patty , granlo bar

snack granlo bar

dinner chicken breast or hamburger patty, hard boiled egg orange or apple

snack granlo bar or fruit and cheese stick.

I do this everyday but not as strick on the weekends keep room open pizza or a beer or 2 or maybe a pop but thats it.


oh lots of water I drink 3 to 4 32 once glasses a day.


My end goal is to have a cut lean build by june when we got out to vegas. :)


oh Joe and Ryan thats a lot of good info.

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here is what I do/eat each day.

workout 30 to 45 min depending on how hard i push myself.

breakfast one serving of oatmeat and small glass of OJ

snack banana and cheese stick,small gatoraid

lunch is a chicken breast or hamburger patty , granlo bar

snack granlo bar

dinner chicken breast or hamburger patty, hard boiled egg orange or apple

snack granlo bar or fruit and cheese stick.


oh Joe and Ryan thats a lot of good info.


Thanks. I hope it helps. I like your schedule for it being realistic. And I bet it is really easy for you to stick with and not stress about. It has flexibility, yet it's progressive. I like most that you only train for 30-45 minutes. If you can't get it done in under and hour, up the intensity and shorten the rests between sets. I have a chest route that is all light weight that I ran through with a guy in really good shape. 2 days later he called me and said he was absolutely destroyed. Anyways props for making the change and good luck.

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Mojoe, your right, Jason is awesome! Im not telling anyone to just pop pills and hope for results. I Work out everyday with a large amount of cardio,weight lifting, and mixed martial arts. Supplements are just that, supplemental. I do not take "diet pills" regularly, just amonth before I have a fight, a show, or in this instance the Arnold Classic. Fitness has always been apart of my life and I consider myself "knowledgable".

People get into trouble when they abuse substances or use for long periods of time. Taking the recommended doses for the right amount of time is how it should be...

ps the most important part like mojoe said is the right amount of meals, with the right foods. Leaning out is impossible if you dont eat a strict diet.

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Im not telling anyone to just pop pills and hope for results. I Work out everyday with a large amount of cardio,weight lifting, and mixed martial arts. Supplements are just that, supplemental. I do not take "diet pills" regularly, just a month before I have a fight, a show, or in this instance the Arnold Classic. Fitness has always been apart of my life and I consider myself "knowledgeable".

People get into trouble when they abuse substances or use for long periods of time. Taking the recommended doses for the right amount of time is how it should be...


X2. Very well put. I understood what you were saying above, but wanted to detail it a bit more(plus venting ,sorry)

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I have been fighting weight issues for the last few years. I work out all the time and run a million miles but the weight was still on. Until I started a newer style program of the smaller meals and more cardio style workouts I have never seen better results. The Last month or so, Ive lost a total of about 23-25 lbs. I am hoping for 60 or so lbs. by June. Taking stimerex and following the above guidlines linc5.0 and mojoe posted, really does help and make you feel as if you are truely making progress.
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