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Favorite superbowl commercials

Dr. Apex

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It's only halftime but there have been some hilarious commercials already. What's your favorite? Which did you hate??


So far for me was the 1st commercial of the night where the 2 guys do Paper/rock/scissors for the last bud light.


The worst so far has a thread already started about it; the Chevy HHR commercial. Give me a fucking break, "Guys can't keep their hands off it"!!! I laughed my ass off at this, what the hell was Chevy thinking??

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I haven't been all that impressed with the commercials thus far, honestly. The HHR commerical you referenced was fairly gay. And, speaking of gay, did anyone else see the pre-game show? I'm fairly sure that was orchestrated and choreographed by a homosexual fourth grader.
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Gay? As in Prince..I mean The Artist...I mean the Artist Formerly known as Prince. WTF is his name now?

The homo formerly known as an artist rather than a wierd homo. I think that is the current rendition.

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