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Guest Hal

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Before it turns into a flame war. I appreciate the help guys, I've decided on which one to go with. I'd appreciate if this thread was locked.


If it doesn't get locked, I appreciate it Steven but you're gonna get owned.

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this is one thing i cant stand.... i am engaged at the age of 18....i hate it when people pull this shit.....how about you know the 2 people before opening your mouth. Hal and Ashley are a great couple and i see good things in their future.


dude, relax. He was just giving some free/GOOD advice. I'm not going to judge you or his relationship but the smartest thing to do is wait. What's the rush on getting married? You want the tax benefits that bad? Whats the drawback to waiting to get hitched? I was 20 and "in love" too, I thought about buying her a laptop. a far cry from a car. good thing i didn't in the end.


You know why you hate it so much? because everyone tells you the same thing. Ever wonder why EVERYONE tells you the same thing?!?!?! THINK!!! Your not even 21 yet, you haven't even had the opportunity to get trashed and take some hoe home. You'll NEVER be single again, and NEVER be independent.


oh and fyi, I've known plenty of young wives who got married at 18 only to cheat with me or a friend that i knew. The all too familiar line is, their men are just "too overprotective"... in bitch speak that means "insecure".

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this is one thing i cant stand.... i am engaged at the age of 18....i hate it when people pull this shit.....how about you know the 2 people before opening your mouth. Hal and Ashley are a great couple and i see good things in their future.


How about you grow some pubes, wait another 5-6 years then try and provide your "pearls of wisdom".

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Your not even 21 yet, you haven't even had the opportunity to get trashed and take some hoe home. You'll NEVER be single again, and NEVER be independent.


oh and fyi, I've known plenty of young wives who got married at 18 only to cheat with me or a friend that i knew. The all too familiar line is, their men are just "too overprotective"... in bitch speak that means "insecure".


Without getting up on a teary eyed pussy whipped soap box I'll say I don't want that. We'll probably wait another year to get engaged then go from there. I think I found the right one, so I don't really need anything else in terms of relationships. Time will tell, however each relationship is different.


And don't worry, I'm in no way buying the car because she wants it. It's something I want that I realize will probably go to her if I buy it off. It's not like me to stay with one car too long, and if she enjoys it and we're married, she can have it.

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Without getting up on a teary eyed pussy whipped soap box I'll say I don't want that. We'll probably wait another year to get engaged then go from there. I think I found the right one, so I don't really need anything else in terms of relationships. Time will tell, however each relationship is different.


Like I said, not trying to judge you and your's just making simple observation. I almost made that mistake of giving up my freedom when I was 20. Thankgod that didn't work out or I would've missed out on so much. I'd rather have my freedom then go back to that, of course back then I thought it was the greatest thing ever and never wanted anyone else. Hindsight is always 20/20.


Either way, buy the Evo and get as much ass as possible.

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Keep us posted.....especially on the lease programs....neither have had very good programs here in the midwest so costs will likely be stupid high. Just remember, zero down, nothing....perhaps tax if you must...and don't go over 36mos.


PM if you have questions. My family was in the car business and I worked in it for many years both in sales/finance mgt and will be happy to review the details.

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Buying out at the end of a lease is a HUGE waste of money. You would probably save more money just turning in the lease, then buying it a day later off the lot.


How about you grow some pubes, wait another 5-6 years then try and provide your "pearls of wisdom".


Exactly. Like some 18 year old kid has any idea about relationships. And yes, at 18, I was in a long term relationship where everyone thought we would end up married (started at 17, ended at 22). I know what the deal is, and if you think you know anything about relationships at that age, you have another thing coming.

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dude, shut the fuck up........ how about this.... everyone in my whole family ( mom and dads side) has gotten married between the ages of 18-22 whats the divorce rate in my family????? 0..... i have known every one of my great grand parents...


heres my outlook on the subject at hand.... people are to quick to quit these days.... or they get with someone who they know nothing about decide that they need love in their lives and get hitched. the divorce rate is up because of this and stupid people who wait till they are upper 20`s and in their 30`s to get married. they find the first person fall "in love" . then decide to get married 6 months after meeting them, and find out they cant stand this person anymore.

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heres my outlook on the subject at hand.... people are to quick to quit these days.... or they get with someone who they know nothing about decide that they need love in their lives and get hitched. the divorce rate is up because of this and stupid people who wait till they are upper 20`s and in their 30`s to get married. they find the first person fall "in love" . then decide to get married 6 months after meeting them, and find out they cant stand this person anymore.


WOW, your so right. and to think your only 18 and you've already found the secret to a long happy life with someone. I sure do wish I could be more like you.


Listen, you can have all the 'outlooks' and assumption's you want but the only way you will truly know anything about life is to experience it. which sad to say, you wont get to anytime soon. You actually think that divorce is up (in actuality it's down) because people wait to marry? Why don't you ask any divorced guy here why he's divorced before making your assumption's. You can't make blanket statments like 'all people who get divorced end up that way b/c they wait too long and rush into things.' Because it's simply not true.

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truly i have experience life i have done everything i have ever wanted to and will still get to... I dont drink so i could care less about going out and getting drunk. my fience supports my hobbies just as i support hers. For you people who truly believe that once you get married your life goes down hill im sorry thats how you feel...
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Buying out at the end of a lease is a HUGE waste of money. You would probably save more money just turning in the lease, then buying it a day later off the lot.


Definitely looks like you're right. I'll probably end up turning it back in, or, I may just buy a used one. Haven't really decided on all the details, but I'm sure I'm going with the sti over the evo.

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why doesnt everyone that wants to fight about being/getting married go to the kitchen and make a thread there.


back on topic.

hal, i have never been a fan of lease, i know you probly already have you mind made up, but when you get back why dont you look for like a 2-3 year old one then just buy it. you would have lower payments and not have to worry about all that shit that comes with leases.

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I think Cavin is looking to sell his STi, and its pretty hot. I had a an 06 WRX before and I loved every second. The car ran great and was pretty mod friendly. Good luck with the purchase. I plan on getting an EVO though when I get back from Airborne.
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