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Job Interview


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Has anyone on here been flown out for a job interview? I am being flown to California for a job interview at the HQ of a company I am interested in. I will still be here, working from my house and travelling all over the world.


Just wondering if anyone has been flown to a job interview and opinions on whether this put you on unequal footing having zero home field advantage.

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We do it all the time. Even mine was a remote interview. Not as far as Cali, but just the same.


Treat it no differently than you would any job interview. Get in early, get some sleep and have at it.


Good luck. Sounds like it should be a good opportunity. What type of position?


I haven't worked in an actual office for years and won't ever go back. Home office and travels is the best thing around. Even better when you're in management as you don't have to deal with all the corporate pressure in person :D



Has anyone on here been flown out for a job interview? I am being flown to California for a job interview at the HQ of a company I am interested in. I will still be here, working from my house and travelling all over the world.


Just wondering if anyone has been flown to a job interview and opinions on whether this put you on unequal footing having zero home field advantage.

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Has anyone on here been flown out for a job interview? I am being flown to California for a job interview at the HQ of a company I am interested in. I will still be here, working from my house and travelling all over the world.


Just wondering if anyone has been flown to a job interview and opinions on whether this put you on unequal footing having zero home field advantage.


I will trade you jobs!!!

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I would recommend scouting the location before hand so you don't get lost the day of. That is, if you get in early enough to do so.


Oh and working from home is the best. My mom and I both work for the same company but she does project work and gets to work from her home office. I would rather log 12 hours/day from my home office than 8 hours/day at an actual office.

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I flew to Illinois for an interview a while back. It was odd. They picked me up from the airport, took me to the office, then after a few hours too me to a hotel they put me up in for the night. The next day they showed me around the town, sites attractions, etc, then took me back to the airport. It was odd. Definitely had an uncomfortable feeling about it. But it was cool.
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