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Generally, which laptop brands have serial ports?

Trouble Maker

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I know Dell's usually do, but I hate their laptops. My last work laptop was one, and I will never own one.


I've been thinking about getting a laptop for a while. If I can't find a brand/laptop I like with one, I'll just get a card for serial. But I'd rather have it built in.


Wondering which brands (generally speaking) have serial ports built in?



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HP is good for it and my DELL D620 has one and a nvidia card it plays game well.


I am 99% sure my Dell E1505/I6400 has one too and it also is pretty nice. I paid 1079 for it with

T7200 Core 2 duo

1 gig ram

120 gig sata

X1400 Video

15.4 Wide

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I'm thinking RS232 ports are not on anything now. I may be wrong, but that's an outdated technology. USB replaced it years ago. There are, however, RS232 to USB adapters.


im pretty sure thier still out there, because i was looking for a laptop a couple months ago so when i get my ems i wont need that adaptor.

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USB>Serial has issues sometimes. We have about 4 different ones at work. With the program and hardware we use with them, one of them works sometimes. They pcmcia card for serial we have works flawlessly. If I can't find a laptop with serial (RS232) that I want, I'll just get one without and get one of those cards.
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