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Not too happy about Germain Nissan


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Long story short....


i took my car in to get checked out and i'm pretty sure they hit something when pulling it into their shop. I called and they deny it up and down, so i'm out of luck and pretty fucking pissed off.


All i know is, i'm never taking my car back to them again. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

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let me explain...


<>I take my car in on Sat to have a check engine light checked out(and anything else)



<>When i get home i notice that the window doesnt fit the trim all the way anymore when rolled up.



<>Later that day i also notice my side skirts arent flush with the body anymore



<>Then i'm leaving my buddies house sat night and my driver door acts strange. Almost as if it's not lined up perfectly or something. I try to open it but it only moves an inch or so then stops.



<> Finally, i noticed i had a scrape on my passenger side bumber, yesterday as i was painting my wheels.



Ugh i just bought this car 2 weeks ago and the body was in great condition(minus a few paint chips). I dunno. i think i'm destined to never own something nice

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It will be hard to prove that the damage occured at the dealership since you didn't catch it at the shop. Raise hell with them then contact a lawyer for some advice or at least have him call them and threaten a suit, they might just fix it as court gets expensive.
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You are shit out of luck then. If you didn't notice it when you picked it up from the dealership then you cannot blame them.


exactly. as far as they know you did it after you left and are looking for a free ride. talk to your insurance company and see what they recomend they may try to fight it for you. but you should be able to get it fixed as a not at fault accident. only thing you would be out is your deductable.

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It will be hard to prove that the damage occured at the dealership since you didn't catch it at the shop. Raise hell with them then contact a lawyer for some advice or at least have him call them and threaten a suit, they might just fix it as court gets expensive.




i'm a pretty passive guy and i hate the whole sue anyone shit but i might have to take action in this case

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Or go absolutely fucking ape shit.


I bet they will end up fixing it. You should have refused to pay for whatever they did until someone fessed up for that.


no dealership is going to cover any cost of any part of a car that they did not fix, unless its legit (fender bender at the shop, nail in the tire, etc. etc.) but with a car that is more than 10years old they cant afford to fix "what could of been bad in the first place"

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no dealership is going to cover any cost of any part of a car that they did not fix, unless its legit (fender bender at the shop, nail in the tire, etc. etc.) but with a car that is more than 10years old they cant afford to fix "what could of been bad in the first place"


I think he's talking about his Spec-v, not the 300.

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no dealership is going to cover any cost of any part of a car that they did not fix, unless its legit (fender bender at the shop, nail in the tire, etc. etc.) but with a car that is more than 10years old they cant afford to fix "what could of been bad in the first place"


I think he's talking about his 02 SER, not the Z in the pic.


Either way, go in and talk to the service manager and/or whomever is above him. Be calm, cool and present evidence and/or testimony of people that were with you around when you noticed the damage. pictures would be great. Seeing as how you JUST bought the car hopefully you have some pics. If your insurance company took a look at it when you bought it you can have them attest to its good condition in an affidavit of some sort. They sure as hell don't want to pay for the damage. Go to whoever you have to within the dealership and present your case. Don't say a word about a lawyer. As soon as you do they will say, "I'm sorry our legal team handles this stuff, and Im going to have to refer you to them". Because they don't want to make the situation worse by saying something they shouldn't have. Most likely you can handle it in house and get it fixed there. Especialy if you bought your car there.


When I worked at Graham, we had some guy who happened to run into one of the owner's and asked how he was doing. He complained about the time it's taken to fix his explorer and poof, all of a sudden this guy was customer #1. His car was put at the top of the list and we even delivered it to his home, which we never did. Talk to someone higher up your more likely to get results and faster.


It's ok to be passive. Just don't be comfortable being a victim of someone else's carelessness with your car.

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True story Ryan.


When I worked at Honda if someone mentioned something to a boss (not a service manager..they usually dont care) they would come back and bitch at whoever was around to get this customer taken care of, throwing out any sense of order or line waiting.


So, I would skip service all together and head straight for the managers if you want anything done. (at least in my experience)

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if you try and sue someone in small claims court you are looking about 2 years before you get your case before a judge. ps. contact the channel 8 news, they have that segment of their show that helps people that get screwed. Threaten with a news story and they will pay up.
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if you try and sue someone in small claims court you are looking about 2 years before you get your case before a judge. ps. contact the channel 8 news, they have that segment of their show that helps people that get screwed. Threaten with a news story and they will pay up.


He has no evidence that it was them though.


For all he knows (or theyll say) someone side-swiped the car somewhere after he left.

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for any future visits to the dealer, see todd at nissan north.

nice guy, always takes care our family and our 12 nissans.


and about germain, i know one of the techs there, and the whole place is shady. they deny warranty claims and refuse to look at some car because they just dont too.

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Long story short....


i took my car in to get checked out and i'm pretty sure they hit something when pulling it into their shop. I called and they deny it up and down, so i'm out of luck and pretty fucking pissed off.


All i know is, i'm never taking my car back to them again. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


If they deny it, make them show you the cameras to prove to you. You know every major dealership has cameras everywhere, so if they did do it, chances are one of their cameras caught them in the act. If they deny to show you proof that they did/didn't, then take them to court.

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