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Broken knuckle?

Kevin R.

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Can you break a knuckle?


I got pissed and hit my door and like 2 min. later looked down and my knuckle was like bubbled 1/2 inch high. Kid in my dorm said it could of popped out and went back in because it is down again. My hand is functioning right besides the abnormal looking knuckle and swelling.


Just curious. Kinda hurts. Never seen a knuckle look like that before so I'll ask the wise CR members since my dad can't tell me to shut the fuck up its fine since Im not at home any more. :)


PS This took like 20 min to type left handed and still looks better than half the tards on this board. :p

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I don't think you can actually break the knuckle. You can probably shatter the joint but i dont think your punch can produce enough force to do tha, no offense. I have a good friend that has been fighting most of his life. He's broken his hand bone connecting the knuckle plenty of times but never his actual knuckle. He tells me this for his reasoning to start a fight off with a kick. wtf?


Ice it, you'll be fine. If its still fucked up in 2 weeks see a doc.

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not sure if he does martial arts, but if he does, he needs to learn to punch with the leading two knuckles and twist when he hits....also, never pull back. You have to hit like your trying to go through the target. over 15 years of Ju-Jitsu and while I've been hurt, I've never broke a knuckle or finger.


I don't think you can actually break the knuckle. You can probably shatter the joint but i dont think your punch can produce enough force to do tha, no offense. I have a good friend that has been fighting most of his life. He's broken his hand bone connecting the knuckle plenty of times but never his actual knuckle. He tells me this for his reasoning to start a fight off with a kick. wtf?


Ice it, you'll be fine. If its still fucked up in 2 weeks see a doc.

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not sure if he does martial arts, but if he does, he needs to learn to punch with the leading two knuckles and twist when he hits....also, never pull back. You have to hit like your trying to go through the target. over 15 years of Ju-Jitsu and while I've been hurt, I've never broke a knuckle or finger.


I think he's big into Muy Tai among other things. He's looked at as one of those guy's you look to 'to get things done'. I've never seen someone his size take guys at least twice his size, quick as hell. Good thing im his friend.


back to topic. Beer WILL fix your problems. goodluck.

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last wed. i accidently hit the wall just right with an open hand and my index finger was pointing to the sky when my hand was flat, and im talking about from the middle knuckle up. I can deal with the pain but the sight of that was fucking disturbing. I wondered if it was broke because of the swelling and lack of movement after a week, while I was at my specialist today for prior injuries I had him take a look at it. He said I dislocated it and set it back in (when I had to straighten that shit myself) while doing so I streched all my ligements or tendens or whatever. Kind of like a sprain I guess.
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oh i'm into beer. i'm in the heartland of Sam Adams country, but physical displays of aggression > alcoholism


Baha.Just dont punch solid doors. You end up look in like an ass with your fuckined up hand. Puncha lamb. Donkey punch someodfne.

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that's exactly what I thought when I was 12 and began my training after seeing what a friend of mine did to a class bully. in college I had my fair share of beer brawls which was very funny considering little old 150lb me was in a "brawl" :D speed and accuracy is key. strength and size is always second....unless you take one hard and can't take it :eek:


I think he's big into Muy Tai among other things. He's looked at as one of those guy's you look to 'to get things done'. I've never seen someone his size take guys at least twice his size, quick as hell. Good thing im his friend.


back to topic. Beer WILL fix your problems. goodluck.

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i've punched a myriad of things, streets signs, doors, cars, brick walls, sidewalks, pane glass door, etc......it was always over a stupid bitch, and consequently i had usually been drinking. anyhoo, i haven't broken my hand or knuckles so i'd say it's pretty hard to do unledd you swing wrong and catch it just right.
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not sure if he does martial arts, but if he does, he needs to learn to punch with the leading two knuckles and twist when he hits....also, never pull back. You have to hit like your trying to go through the target. over 15 years of Ju-Jitsu and while I've been hurt, I've never broke a knuckle or finger.


keep hitting stuff, and it will happen, only you will fracture the 2nd or 3rd metacarpal and likely need surgery. the injury that is being called into question is typically referred to as a boxer's fracture. it is a fracture of the 5th metacarpal neck, and it usually happens [guess how??] when people punch hard things (doors, walls, other peoples' faces).


most of the time, nothing is done except for a splint/cast for 4 weeks. sometimes it will need to be reduced (pulled on, and put back into place), but usually not, since there is a lot of motion in the ulnar sided carpal bones, you can tolerate angulation of the fracture.


if there is a rotational component at the fracture it usually needs to be pinned or else your small finger will rotate under the others when you make a fist. either way, its a stupid injury that almost ALWAYS involves your dominant hand, puting you out of work for several weeks

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