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Chevrolet Ram?


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Personally, I'd rather see GM buy it than Toyota, if that happened.

Chevrolet Challenger? Naw. Stay DaimlerChrysler.


Toyota is the second biggest car company in the world. There's not a chance in hell GM could buy out Toyota. Really, im surprised their even thinking about chrysler they have so many problem's already.

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Think back a couple years when K-Mart filed bankruptcy then came out and bought Sears. I see it happening, they both have huge real estate holdings and cash reserves and although they're losing money on car sales, they're making money on the financing. They need to tell the UAW to piss off and stop paying full benefits for retired people, something like 500 million a year for that(GM). Make cars that last and that people like and can afford and the buyers will come. Or, Wal-Mart could buy them.
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