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Extremely pissed right now


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exaggerated or not the uncle had no right to go to the school for any reason period.


If the parents don't want thier girl to date thats fine they have that right. But the uncle was complete out of line.


I dont think he was trying to take sides or say it was exaggerated or not. Similar to my comment, I was just curious what kind of action constituted the uncle to take action. And he's right there are 3 sides to every story, for all we know this kid is a rapist and the uncle was protecting his own and we're all sitting here defending such a person. All Im saying is we dont know the whole story.


disclaimer: SilverEvo8owner Im not saying your bro is a rapist im just trying to make an extreme point thats all, don't take it personal.

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I dont think he was trying to take sides or say it was exaggerated or not. Similar to my comment, I was just curious what kind of action constituted the uncle to take action. And he's right there are 3 sides to every story, for all we know this kid is a rapist and the uncle was protecting his own and we're all sitting here defending such a person. All Im saying is we dont know the whole story.


disclaimer: SilverEvo8owner Im not saying your bro is a rapist im just trying to make an extreme point thats all, don't take it personal.


I undertand no hard feelings


This is his first GF. They go to a private christian school where it is quite strict about PDA and student relations blah blah blah. Her parents are both foreigners and have an Americanized typical rebelious teenage daughter. I know that he would never do anything obscene or inappropriate. My GF's family is very religious.


Her parents just snapped i guess.

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yeah there is definately a lot of problems with this incident. I go in schools all over for work and you cannot simply go in a school. Look for a kid and bitch them out. You are required to go to the office and prove who you are and have a good reason to see the kid. He bypassed school policy and the school failed in its enforcement of those policies.

In most of the christian schools in the area you actually can't even get in the door without pressing a button which activates a camera to let the office attendant get a look at you before you enter. Then they should at that point realise you should be reporting to their office for ID and signing in.

To sum it up. I'd bitch to the school about this incident. Not really because its a BF/GF problem, but because its a schools failure of policy that I'm worried about. Wonder how it would have turned out if this was one of those "uncles" who come in and beat up the kid or abduct the kid. I'd say he could actually be in some serious trouble if you followed up with police about it. Especially if the school has no record of him signing in/out of their log book.



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CR militia anyone?


Absolutely you will not. I don't give a shit that you aren't serious. CR is not a place to even bring this kind of bullshit up, certainly not under our “flag”, and anyone even suggesting it will be banned. Consider this your warning.

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Absolutely you will not. I don't give a shit that you aren't serious. CR is not a place to even bring this kind of bullshit up, certainly not under our “flag”, and anyone even suggesting it will be banned. Consider this your warning.


Woah woah woah, did I miss something? What was so wrong about what I said? We have a second amendment right to hold a militia. Its not like I said "LETS GO KILL HIM!", cause if that was my intension, then I would of said "CR Mafia anyone?". A militia is a protective defense force.


From Wikitionary:

militia (plural militias)


1. An army of trained civilians, which may be an official reserve army, called upon in time of need; the national police force of a country; the entire able-bodied population of a state; or a private force, not under government control.


From Wikipedia

Defense activity, as well as those engaged in it, when it is defense of the public, its territory, property, and laws
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I can’t believe this needs explained further.


If you're going to form anything outside of this forum, do not ever put the Columbus Racing name on it. A dog club. A horticulturalists community. A fucking militia. It doesn't matter. Don’t ever attach our name to anything you do outside of any event that we officially sanction. The last fucking thing we want is someone thinking we condone a violent “militia”.


So take your idea of a “CR Militia” and put your own fucking name on it.


That should be clear enough.

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