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Majic tricks?!


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The thread ran into a wall.



it was already there when it started. And greg standing there with the spray paint can in hand.


now colt boy is starting a CR bashing thread.

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Guest Removed
But ran into a wall does not=deletion. It would simply be forgotten and move down the list of threads.



and why should we even care about that thread? why do you care so much?


is greg your hero now?



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JP, my impression is that the upper levels of CR management (e.g., Anthony and Chris) have grown tired of hearing Powers rip on IPS (for whatever reason). In that spirit, I'd imagine that they simply had his thread deleted. It is, after all, their little piece of cyberspace, so they can make up the rules (and bend them, break them, and so forth) as they see fit.


I'd guess this thread will be deleted too if it happens to morph into another "Powers v. IPS" thread or anything akin to such.


On another note, you should knwo better than to put something in your sig without at least doing a quick spellcheck on it first.

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Chris deleted it, again to keep the integrity of CR.


JP, you need to really learn how to spell. Also, your blatant actions to incur trouble are about to kill your tenure.


Rob, you'd better take the reference to Chris and I's ethnicity and delete it right now before you are.


Anyone else have any questions? I'm really tired of the bullshit and getting to the point where fair is played out and ruling with the iron button is in.

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Guest Removed

Rob, you'd better take the reference to Chris and I's ethnicity and delete it right now before you are.




done. so does that mean that no one can call anyone white trash, because they are white?

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Wow...that went right over your head.


No, actually it didn’t. But my follow up comment to that would have gotten me banned. :eek:


In that spirit, I'd imagine that they simply had his thread deleted. It is, after all, their little piece of cyberspace, so they can make up the rules (and bend them, break them, and so forth) as they see fit.


I agree, a power the exercise quite often it seems.


I'd guess this thread will be deleted too if it happens to morph into another "Powers v. IPS" thread or anything akin to such.




But-everyone was bashing IPS, not just powers......



Chris deleted it, again to keep the integrity of CR.


Haha! I just won me $20. Thank you sir-I owe you a beer. :woowoo:




Also, your blatant actions to incur trouble are about to kill your tenure.


No offence-but that is this in reference to? I think I have been quite tame as of late. :confused:



JP, you are trying to incite something, otherwise you would have PMed Chris or I, or posted in another section. Not everyone is as ignorant and stupid as you present yourself to be.



I am not ignorant-I assumed you or Chris dropped the right click on the thread. That assumption netted me $20. As for PMing the delete-I fear that would have netted me several pages of childish banter with no result, so I saved my time and made a post about it.


But-assuming things is never a good practice-so I asked. And (at least on other forums) something is usually posted to inform the posting public why a thread was deleted. I was just wondering what that "why" was, since it was gone, and there was no sign of why it was in fact deleted-weather you felt it somehow “Degraded the integrity of CR” as you say, or someone from IPS pm’d you whining about all the bashing what was occurring, or since IPS is your “tuner” of choice, you don’t want them being bashed on his site….ect.


Again, I am not trying to incite anything-If I was my post would have been worded quite differently. I was just looking for a reason that I think should be provided for a thread's deletion. This is a public, or at least semi public forum. IMO-the people of this forum have a right to know when shit like that magically disappears. I am sure you don’t agree, but that is my 2 cents.




The End.

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On a lot of sites "vendor flaming" will result in a quick ban and either deleting or locking the thread. I think Chris, Anthony, and all the mods have done a good job with this site. Unfortunately they must make decisions that are not always popular. I for one am ok with the decisions they make, as I realize this is their forum to do with as they please. They for the most part are very lenient with what goes on here, half of the people on here would be banned if they ran this like many other admins run their sites.


Just food for thought, Greg did ask that the thread be locked. Did he say deleted, no, but it functions much in the same way.


Thanks Anthony, Chris, Mods. Keep up the good work.

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Yes, you were trying to incite something, thus why you posted it in here thinking it's "invincible". Well, it's not and neither are you.


You banter about PMs is just that, banter. You and I have had several PM exchanges without err, and this would be no different. You've also posted several other topics time and again in other sections, so to "make this public" could have been accomplished on other areas as well.


My personal reflection:


I've come to the point in my life where I've got several other things that take priority over babysitting CR, and in particular, members like yourself (whether you think yourself "tame" or not). I've done my damnest to try to run things and deal with people like yourself without being a total dick about it. It's getting me absolutely nowhere.


So, people like you are no big loss. I see Greg let you back on RC, good for him and you. I made that gesture over here long ago and regret it more and more everytime I see you push the envelope.


I run things how I run things, and have to have help doing so because I don't have the time to dedicate anymore. Being here is a privilege and not a right, as I've so specified before. This isn't a publicly traded company nor is membership required. Remember that when you challenge what goes public and what doesn't. Being a local messageboard as well, there are times when the integrity is watched, whether YOU like it or not. Our actions around here do not need to be justified, especially when it comes to the safety and support of local members.


You continue to keep coming back, continue to keep posting, hell, are even selling shit. Fine, then you obviously find some use for CR. But you're not required to be here, and frankly, can leave if you don't like how it's run. I'm tired of having to explain anything to you. Go away or deal with it.

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