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Going to Windsor. Suggestions?


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I took ownership of a site in Taylor, Michigan which happens to be about 20 minutes from Windsor. I'm due back in a couple of weeks, so I'm taking the wife with me to Windsor after I'm done at the site. Call it a small vacation and no kids :D


Anyone have suggestions for the casino, or what packages to look into? We're looking at doing some gambling within reason, relax, and have a good time for a couple of days on the weekend.


Thanks :)

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Anthony, be sure to take your passport. If you don't have one, then I would definitely take along your birth certificate along with (obviously) your ID. Getting into Canada usually isn't the problem; instead, they've been known to be pissy when trying to get back into the US. To avoid the hassle, have a passport or your birth certificate and ID.


Casino Windsor is nice. There's plenty to do there and plenty of gambling. Sure, it's not Vegas, but only Vegas is Vegas. You should have plenty of fun.


The area surrounding the casino (i.e., the city of Windsor) is crappy, IMO - kind of like campus here in CLB. There are a few good strip clubs there, though.


Detroit - on the other side of Windsor - has a few casinos, but none of them are anywhere close to as nice as Casino Windsor. And, besides, going to casinos in Detroit mean that you actually have to go into Detroit. Uh, yeah. My advice would be don't even consider going to Detroit for gambling.

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John, her and I both have military IDs, so I figured that should be enough to get us back across to the States. We also planned on staying in the casino only the entire time, so I'm looking into package specials for the weekend that are all-inclusive.


Have you done anything like that, or just gone "a la carte"? Thanks for the info :)

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John, her and I both have military IDs, so I figured that should be enough to get us back across to the States.


Have fun NOT getting into Canada. Listen to what John said numb nuts.


I wouldn't stay at the Casino. As far as the 'normal' rooms go, I didn't think they were as nice as the Travel Lodge for a lot more money. Stay at the Travel Lodge. Right behind that hotel there is a great Irish bar.


There's a great little sushi bar on the road behind that. I can tell you exactly where if you are interested (it's pretty much across from the Million Dollar Salon).


Down in the club district there is a little sport bar called the Honest Lawyer. I like going there too.


Of course go gamble a little bit.


Trouble Maker

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We do not have passports, so our birth certificates and military IDs have to do. Passports aren't required for land travel yet.


I have an idea of booking at the Holiday Inn near the casino, it looks pretty nice and akin to the Holiday Inn University in Bowling Green, Kentucky near the Corvette Museum.


I was debating on the casino room as part of a package deal, as I've never done this before as an overnight stay and was figuring maybe better overall deals if done as a package.


If I do this solo, how much should I take for gambling and how much should I budget for food, drinks, entertainment, etc?

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Have you done anything like that, or just gone "a la carte"? Thanks for the info :)


Yeah, I'm the "a la carte" type of guy, so I can't say much on the package deal things. In all honesty, I didn't even know they offered anything like that. :cool:


If I do this solo, how much should I take for gambling and how much should I budget for food, drinks, entertainment, etc?


Rule of thumb for me while in Vegas: $1000 per day for gambling, $100 per day for food/drink. I would think that $500 per day for gambling and $50 per day for food/drink would work in Windsor. I might even be able to cut both those figures in half again ($250/$25) if I were on a major budget, but, if it got to that point, I'd say to myself, "Then why in the fuck am I even going?" and then I wouldn't go. That's me, though. For you, I guess you have to determine how much you like to gamble, how much you want to gamble, what you like to gamble on, and how much you need to eat/drink while you are gambling.

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Go further into Windsor. When I went a few years ago we found a really nice sports bar with lots of pool tables. We got LIT for very little money. But yeah, bring as much ID as you can carry. When we went we all took our birth certificates and ID's and they still gave us shit because they recommended we had our SS cards too. We also got lunch at Pepper's. It was pretty good as I remember.


Sneak me in a Cuban. :D

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Go further into Windsor. When I went a few years ago we found a really nice sports bar with lots of pool tables. We got LIT for very little money. But yeah, bring as much ID as you can carry. When we went we all took our birth certificates and ID's and they still gave us shit because they recommended we had our SS cards too. We also got lunch at Pepper's. It was pretty good as I remember.


Sneak me in a Cuban. :D

Yeah I recommend driving around the city and outside Windsor as well. If you jump on Tecumseh Rd, you'll find all kinds of things. Different bars and restaurants. Depending on how much time you have, jump on the 401 (Queen's Highway) and go deeper into Canada :)

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Fuck that, last year when I went to Canada, I showed up at the boarder and I held out my Birth Certificate and Drivers Licence to the boarder patrol agent. He refused to take my Paperwork, and said welcome to Cananda. I drove by and never looked back. I had no problem with getting back in either, but I did have to show paperwork to get back in. Now I have a passport since we went to France and Italy last year. So no worries here.

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It all depends on the border guard, how much trouble you'll have getting back into the States. Getting into Canada isn't a problem. They don't ask for ID (unless you aren't U.S. born), they just want you to come in and spend those American dollars. ;) Getting back into the U.S., that can be the problem. Don't fuck with the border guards, they can make your life hell. Be truthful, respectful, take off your sunglasses, radio off, all windows down if you have extra passengers, etc. and things will go fine. I've been to Canada more times than I can count, at the many New York - Canada borders... :nod:
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We stayed at the Travel Lodge for my bachelor party. We hit multiple gentleman's clubs that weekend which you probably won't be doing w/ the wifey. Other than the Irish bar behind the hotel the only other place I remember is Peppers. Peppers turns into a club in the evenings and was pretty busy when we were there. We had a lot of fun there. We made enough money playing at the Casino to pay for all the clubs we went to, it was very nice. Who knows you may have the same luck.
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Fuck that, last year when I went to Canada, I showed up at the boarder and I held out my Birth Certificate and Drivers Licence to the boarder patrol agent. He refused to take my Paperwork, and said welcome to Cananda. I drove by and never looked back. I had no problem with getting back in either, but I did have to show paperwork to get back in. Now I have a passport since we went to France and Italy last year. So no worries here.


yeah ive gone a bunch of times too, and i have a minor criminal record.


never had any problems going in or getting back.


but according to that article, people are starting to get some guff at the border.


""People say, 'I've been going to Canada for 20 years and never had a problem,' '' Lesperance says. "It's classic. I say, 'Well, you've been getting away with it for 20 years.' ''"


hell that one guy got busted with pot in 1975. now he owns a 3 million dollar house in lake tahoe, but they still got him :(


"The Canadian Border Services Agency says its statistics don't show an increase in the number of travelers turned back. But Cannon says that's because the "data mining'' has just begun to pick up momentum"

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