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Met cool chick....


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Treat your women right, or they start straying towards us who dont give a shit about the other guy. Because in reality, if shes straying, its his own fault.


I have rules for this sort of thing... ill never chase someone with a significant other, but if said female shows up at my front door, uninvited, and walks through my front door... im fully within my rights to take advantge of the fact that you suck.


I love being an Alpha.

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well yea i understand that, but chasin taken girls in the first place is sad. thats just me. theres plenty of single girls out there for me to get at rather then try and ruin someone elses relationship by getting urself involved w/ that shit. nothin good comes out of it other then the fact that you might get ur dick wet. lol
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Today I walk by this girl and she stops me.... plain as day....

Girl: Hey I need a favor

Me: Ahhh that depends what it is

Girl: I need some help with my computer... at my place of course... I'll do whatever you want, even make you some dinner

Me: Hah, wow. Mkay then.

Exchange numbers and I guess im headed there after work.


Conclusions: Not interested in girl, but could be some great fun :D :D

How this should have gone down:


Today I walk by this girl and she stops me.... plain as day....

Girl: Hey I need a favor

Me: Ahhh that depends what it is

Girl: I need some help with my compu...WHAT THE FUCK

Me: Yeah, bitch, that's my dick...now take it in the ass

Girl: Yes sir!

Exchange fluids and I guess im headed to brown town.


Conclusions: You're goddamn stone cold pimp:cool:

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all it means is, she will leave/cheat on her boyfriend for you, and then when the next guy comes around, she is gonna leave/cheat on you too.




Don't you understand? It's not neccessarily always the guy fault. But it is always the girls fault. It's all about track record. I would NEVER seriously date a girl that cheated on her bf with me, then left him FOR me. That's just stupid and asking to be fucked over. If there is ANY evidence that your girl/a girl has cheated in the past goes to show her charector and that she WILL (not might, WILL) do it again.


Yes I've hooked up with girls who had Boyfriends etc... but I wouldn't dream of actually dating them. Most of the time we both realize that, hey this is a one time/once in a while kinda thing and neither of us want a serious relationship. But we BOTH want great sechs. done.

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How this should have gone down:


Today I walk by this girl and she stops me.... plain as day....

Girl: Hey I need a favor

Me: Ahhh that depends what it is

Girl: I need some help with my compu...WHAT THE FUCK

Me: Yeah, bitch, that's my dick...now take it in the ass

Girl: Yes sir!

Exchange fluids and I guess im headed to brown town.


Conclusions: You're goddamn stone cold pimp:cool:



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a comment that I would expect from someone with a S/N like that.


karma brotha... karma


Ha, a simple poke no insult intended. All too often I meet people who are just so oblivious to the true intention's of women and are often caught off gaurd to the mere insinuation that,"you mean, my girl could fuck another guy?" comment. That's why SOME people on this board need a reality check every now and then. simple.


oh and my name, its part of an inside joke between me and some friends. Besides its much better than my former S/N.

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Ha, a simple poke no insult intended. All too often I meet people who are just so oblivious to the true intention's of women and are often caught off gaurd to the mere insinuation that,"you mean, my girl could fuck another guy?" comment. That's why SOME people on this board need a reality check every now and then. simple.


oh and my name, its part of an inside joke between me and some friends. Besides its much better than my former S/N.

no worries. I have no concern about my fiance ever straying... I'm one of the lucky ones....


I just lose respect for people who are willing to screw another man's woman... but that's just me... if she's willing to cheat then she'll cheat on you also... besides, if she's that easy she probably has something.

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no worries. I have no concern about my fiance ever straying... I'm one of the lucky ones....


I just lose respect for people who are willing to screw another man's woman... but that's just me... if she's willing to cheat then she'll cheat on you also... besides, if she's that easy she probably has something.


One of the lucky ones??Take it from a married man, yea its nice being married...but at the same time is sux

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I just lose respect for people who are willing to screw another man's woman... but that's just me... if she's willing to cheat then she'll cheat on you also... besides, if she's that easy she probably has something.


I think i would have less respect for the women who is married in the situation. The guy is biologically built to procreate with as many mates as possible, every knows women are wired differently and tend towards monogamy more than anything (at least most women). Besides look at it this way, no matter what there will ALWAYS be a guy somewhere who would fuck a married/taken woman, but there's not always a girl who would cheat on her man. Apples/oranges I suppose. Congrats btw, seriously i hope you found a good one.


Linc, do I sense a bit of regret in your post?

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