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Ticket help again. Entrapment?

Guest 90probev8

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Hell no I won't pay the thing. If you bitch enough they reduce that shit (1). But I thought it could just get tossed out. be sides it's a wimps ticket 61 in a 55mph (2) . if I want a real ticket I would do 90ish in a 55mph. I just got a ticket in logan for 85+ in a 65 and got it cut down to a tail light ticket.


I have highlighted above for easy viewing all the things that make you look like a complete toolbag in the above post.


I love how it is a "wimps" ticket and if you wanted a REAL ticket you would do 90ish in a 55. Well, hats off to you captain badass. How about you go shows us how big o cahones you have you fuckin hardass and go get 10 of these tickets to prove you're a man. Please, get going.



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Hell no I won't pay the thing. If you bitch enough they reduce that shit. But I thought it could just get tossed out. be sides it's a wimps ticket 61 in a 55mph . if I want a real ticket I would do 90ish in a 55mph. I just got a ticket in logan for 85+ in a 65 and got it cut down to a tail light ticket.



haha if you want a real ticket....lol you got one dumb ass.

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if its such a wimps ticket they why the fuck are you bitching about it? man up wipe the sand outa your vagina, pay the ticket and STFU.


Doc. parking lights do not have to be on at night to get a ticket. At least thats what sawbinder (CPD) told me.

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I think that most cops use 10% of the posted speed as a guide. Typically, speedos can be up to 10% off, so keep that in mind. 55mph plus 5.5mph does not equal 61mph.


Sorry, its a law, and you broke it. Live with the consequences.

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Hell no I won't pay the thing. If you bitch enough they reduce that shit. But I thought it could just get tossed out. be sides it's a wimps ticket 61 in a 55mph . if I want a real ticket I would do 90ish in a 55mph. I just got a ticket in logan for 85+ in a 65 and got it cut down to a tail light ticket.


I was speeding on 315 at 3am at night in a construction zone. 75 in a 55. I got off with a warning in my civic. I am better then you. Woooooo


No really pay the damn ticket and move on.

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My balls were speeding against your girlfriend's chin.


If nuts were nailed to your chest would those be chestnuts?


If nuts were nailed to the wall would those be wallnuts?


If nuts were nailed on your chin would they be chinnuts????

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Kevin R. and Hal have been two of the best additions to CR in a while. Both of you routinely make me laugh.



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I love this entrapment shit.

So you are aware... There is a policy with the State Patrol that they will have their marker lights on at minimum when their car is within so many feet of the road way. It's a policy, not even a rule, and it's for the safety of the officer not because writing tickets blacked out is entrapment. The only other regulation having to do with issuing citations is a minimum distance to the edge of the roadway if running radar because of odd things that can happen with doplar shift (what makes radar work) causing inacurate readings, but that I beleive was repealed with the newer technology radar units being rolled out.


Go look here for the truth.


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Hell no I won't pay the thing. If you bitch enough they reduce that shit. But I thought it could just get tossed out. be sides it's a wimps ticket 61 in a 55mph . if I want a real ticket I would do 90ish in a 55mph. I just got a ticket in logan for 85+ in a 65 and got it cut down to a tail light ticket.








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Gut tells me there's something more to it than a cop giving you a ticket for 6mph over. not that saying that your story isn't straight, but I would say there's something about your driving, your car or your history that led the cop to wright you up. besides, you have to use a little caution down on 315 where the limit drops down fast like it does down there. Not only for cop reasons, but that area is pretty messed up when it comes to road design.


I regularly drive 72-74mph in 65mph zones and have never been busted for that amount over.....just this week I drove to NYC and back and was nailed twice...laser at 72mph and Radar at 75mph and the troopers never even paid me any mind....once in Marion and once in PA on 80 Eastbound. I could care less at those speeds too....no points just a few bucks and I don't think I'm what they are looking for....I am however about as harmless looking as a mouse in a silver Town & Country cruising along in the right lane though :D


Hell no I won't pay the thing. If you bitch enough they reduce that shit. But I thought it could just get tossed out. be sides it's a wimps ticket 61 in a 55mph
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