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Federal deficit has actually gone down under Obama...


The lies, deception, cover ups, abuse of power, ass kissing of United Nations, love for Islamic radicals, hard on for gun control and people control, dividing the nation, and pretty much everything else trumps that. :rolleyes:

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Federal deficit has actually gone down under Obama...


Nice twist of the facts, I'm impressed. You should get into politics. What you said is true, but intellectually dishonest. That is a key trait for a politician.

For those of you going wtf....The 2012 federal deficit did go down.....compared to the previous Obama years...But are still roughly double Bush's.

But I bet magly was screaming about Bush's spending. But is ok with this. Just like I bet the people screaming about Obama's spending were ok with Bush's spending.

Bottom line both groups are why we have deficits. The hypocrites are why we are fucked over every time.

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Oh. You doin that retard math, huh? :rolleyes:

yes retard math that says 1.1 trillion is 3 billion less than 1.4 trillion

bush started 3 wars that we had to fund, as well as spending Clinton's budget surplus.


Nice twist of the facts, I'm impressed. You should get into politics. What you said is true, but intellectually dishonest. That is a key trait for a politician.

For those of you going wtf....The 2012 federal deficit did go down.....compared to the previous Obama years...But are still roughly double Bush's.

But I bet magly was screaming about Bush's spending. But is ok with this. Just like I bet the people screaming about Obama's spending were ok with Bush's spending.

Bottom line both groups are why we have deficits. The hypocrites are why we are fucked over every time.

I've never complained about anyone's spending, and nor should anyone else... borrowing money is cheap right now, and we've got important investments to make.

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all politicians lie.... some more than others...

video clip of obama saying he will cut deficit in half FEB 2009

debt clock which shows pretty much the exact opposite.

use the debt clock time machine button to go back and see an early debt time.


Edited by 12oclocker
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yes retard math that says 1.1 trillion is 3 billion less than 1.4 trillion

bush started 3 wars that we had to fund, as well as spending Clinton's budget surplus.


I've never complained about anyone's spending, and nor should anyone else... borrowing money is cheap right now, and we've got important investments to make.

Investments? What investments that don't end up costing more in the long run?

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

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Investments? What investments that don't end up costing more in the long run?

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

renewable energy, education, infrastructure... shit we NEED to pay for or face the consequences of our bridges, energy grid, future workforce, economy and planet going further down the toilet.

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I don't know much about politics or finance but I do know the US is the worlds police. Fighting Amongst countries that is never going to end + US being the first to enter every conflict = big money footed by the American tax payer. Yes I know, an obvious equation but one I think needs to be reiterated every now and then.

FACT!!! our military spending is what is driving our debt, and all the republicans bitching about Fiscal Responsibility wont even consider cutting military spending increases every year. (let alone actually cut spending, just cut the spending increases) we spend more on our military than the next 2 dozen countries COMBINED, and most of them are allies.

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renewable energy, education, infrastructure... shit we NEED to pay for or face the consequences of our bridges, energy grid, future workforce, economy and planet going further down the toilet.

Renewable energy has yet to be proven to be cost effective. We know this because the Higgins wind farm cost far more then the output the farm was capable of putting out. Solyndra took billions of dollars from the government and still went bankrupt. You want lower energy costs let the oil companies produce the oil we have here instead of forcing them to import and depend on other countries for the majority of our oil.

Education is not an investment, get the fucking unions out of the system and force parents to take responsibility for their children, get rid of the pensions that some of these unions have and the system will fix its self, case in point not one private school in the united states is unionized, but Ive yet to see a case where one was as near as a piece of shit as any government school.

The federal government is only responsible for getting funds to the states to fix the problems, but its the federal government involvement that always drives the costs up.

FACT!!! our military spending is what is driving our debt, and all the republicans bitching about Fiscal Responsibility wont even consider cutting military spending increases every year. (let alone actually cut spending, just cut the spending increases) we spend more on our military than the next 2 dozen countries COMBINED, and most of them are allies.

Our military spending is what keeps the lions from invading and keeps your ass from speaking another language. We have the worlds largest economy with one of the lower populations when compared to other countries such as china and Russia. When your the big dog there is always someone trying to strut their shit to knock you down. North Korea for example.

Magley, you really are a god damn liberal. Everything you just pointed out is a liberal talking point that Obama himself has pointed out that needs to be addressed. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, then its a fucking duck

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Renewable energy has yet to be proven to be cost effective.

that's why we need to invest in R&D, to make it more efficient, Germany has a solar grid that works wonderfully, and they have half the useable sunlight per square mile as the US

Education is not an investment.

If you don't believe education is an investment, then you probably get your news from the dropouts.

Our military spending is what keeps the lions from invading and keeps your ass from speaking another language.

We don't need to spend more than the next 26 countries combined, how about we spend just a little more than our closest ally and call it a day? We also don't need to be in endless eternal war all over the world, get our troops home, get them real jobs. If someone tries to INVADE us or declare war on us, then let's actually declare war on them, blow them to smithereens, and then bring our people and our shit back home. enough with the world policing, enough with the nation building abroad. Bomb the shit out of them, go the fuck home.

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that's why we need to invest in R&D, to make it more efficient, Germany has a solar grid that works wonderfully, and they have half the useable sunlight per square mile as the US

and Germany has what for population towards the US? Roughly 82million to the us at 314 million? Germany GDP was 3.6trillion Vs the US at 14.9 trillion. Thats a great comparison, we have 3 and a half the population but put out nearly 5 times what they do for GDP.

If you don't believe education is an investment, then you probably get your news from the dropouts.

Education is an investment that should be paid for by the person seeking the eduaction, not by the tax payers. I dont want to have to pay for some lazy fucker that doesnt want a higher education, or for a teacher who is a piece of shit that doesnt go to school because their parents dont give a fuck about making them go

We don't need to spend more than the next 26 countries combined, how about we spend just a little more than our closest ally and call it a day? We also don't need to be in endless eternal war all over the world, get our troops home, get them real jobs. If someone tries to INVADE us or declare war on us, then let's actually declare war on them, blow them to smithereens, and then bring our people and our shit back home. enough with the world policing, enough with the nation building abroad. Bomb the shit out of them, go the fuck home.

Because when there are evil in the world other countries want the US to jump in and do something about it. Case in point WWII, you can argue all day long that the only reason we were involved is because of Japan, but there are many people that have testified saying Churchill was constantly on our leadership to get involved and that if we wouldn't had done so, that England would have been crushed and the US would have gotten involved anyways. In case you forgot we were attacked first by the Muslim extremists, back after the fall of the Shah of Iran, some say earlier then that, others say it didn't start till 9/11. I personally take from them when they say they attack us because of our involvement in their affairs, IE Israel. The Palestinians have been pissed since we were involved with giving weapons and aide to Israel. I would agree we need to stop being the world police, but when were in our position and the world asks for US support then why would we sit by when atrocities occur and then be told that we allowed it to happen?

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Because when there are evil in the world other countries want the US to jump in and do something about it. I would agree we need to stop being the world police, but when were in our position and the world asks for US support then why would we sit by when atrocities occur and then be told that we allowed it to happen?

Because it's not our fucking problem. We need to start using the military properly, declare war, bomb the shit out of the country, go home.

If it's not a bad enough atrocity for us to declare war, it's not a bad enough atrocity for us to poke our fucking noses in.

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that's why we need to invest in R&D, to make it more efficient, Germany has a solar grid that works wonderfully, and they have half the useable sunlight per square mile as the US

If you don't believe education is an investment, then you probably get your news from the dropouts.

We don't need to spend more than the next 26 countries combined, how about we spend just a little more than our closest ally and call it a day? We also don't need to be in endless eternal war all over the world, get our troops home, get them real jobs. If someone tries to INVADE us or declare war on us, then let's actually declare war on them, blow them to smithereens, and then bring our people and our shit back home. enough with the world policing, enough with the nation building abroad. Bomb the shit out of them, go the fuck home.

Who is this guy with the sensible viewpoints?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wonder what the market will do tomorrow?


ah, from 2008, I can tell you what its NOT doing 6 years later.  


(Weird, was googling something about obama and the IRS and my forum showed up in the search)

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