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Obama is PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!


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  Satan said:
Do you realize Obama wants $1 TRILLION in NEW government spending?

im thinking that the keyword here is NEW. you can spend money on NEW spending, but still spend less OVERALL.

for example, year X you spend 5 on A, 10 on B and 35 on C. you spent 55 overall. year Y you spend 2 on A, 6 on B, 20 on C. then you spend 15 on the new D program. you have 15 in NEW spending. that is, spending you didnt have before, even though you spent 12 LESS overall...

ive done a cursory search for the numbers on obamas new spending, but havent found them... do they take into account savings accrued in other places? i would assume they DO. if they didnt, then why not just say 1 trillion MORE in government spending?

please share if you have them...

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Since this thread has gotten to the point of name calling and fact puking, I figure that my $.02 from someone who has never really been big on spouting political crap will fit well in here. This is my theory on not only our newly elected president, but our country as a whole. If ya don't like what i have to say, then fuck me, fuck you, forget this shit and let's ride. But this is what it all feels like to me.

When you take a day off from work, it always takes a couple days to get caught up. Take off a week, good luck getting back in front of the 8 ball in the next two. Murphy never takes a day off, and the fuckers you expected to pick up the slack for you on projects while you were out broke their mice by playing solitaire.

This country is at this point not simply by the cavalier attitude of the outgoing prez, but the singular missteps taken by the three previous men to have that job, each of which exacerbated the previous placeholder's mistakes by not only NOT correcting them, but compounding them with their own. Sure, shit's melting on the the back burner, fuck it. I'll use the front one. Oh shit! It's boiling over! Well, my term is up. There are still two more burners, let the next guy use 'em.

So here we have Obama now in the almost unenviable position of not only having to keep his own word on his own pet projects, but having to unfuck almost an entire generation's worth of mistakes. And his 4 year term might as well be 4 days of the two weeks worth of metaphorical work that is necessary to get us back to an even keel. Maybe he does well enough with them to get 4 more. Hopefully we'll see come 2012 (providing the Mayans were wrong). But if he's not, and just adds fuel to the fire at $5 a gallon by then, who's left standing? You and I, amigo! And the work will still need done.

Pretty soon we're going to have to stop bitching to eachother about all of this and either pitch in together, or this is all going to collapse and not from D.C. out, but from outside D.C. in. And for those who think that this election was a fix or not the true representation of our nation, B.O. collected a shitload of votes last night, both electoral and popular. It may not have necessarily been him that we were voting for, but the change from what we've had so far. And for those who want to bitch about the voting process, how many of you showed up at polling centers surrounded by fellas toting AK-47s and in flip flops? I thought so. Shut the fuck up.

If you think that the election of Obama is the end of life as you know it, it's not a lack of confidence in him that you have, it's a lack of it in your fellow American. Jack Kennedy said it best..."ask not what your country can do for you...". You happy/unhappy with the result? Good. Just like the NFL or other sports, you have a 24 hour rule. Either enjoy the result or lick your wounds. Then get back to work and be glad that whether your man got the job or not, you could voice your opinion. Because just like that time back at the office, when it comes down to it, no one is going to get you caught back up for you.

Now, having spewed all of that, and probably not making a whole helluva lot of sense to anyone besides myself, do with this what you will. I really don't care. I am just sick of all the bitching from both sides. My grandmother said it best. "Steven, people either look at life as their glass being half empty, or half full. None of the motherfuckers ever are truly thankful that they have a goddamn glass." So please. Share your differences, but share your commonality. Agree to disagree, but stop getting pissy. Or go create the site ohiovoters.net. I like my ohioriders.net better when we argue Michelins and Dunlops.

Edited by RVTPilot
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  Isaac said:
Where the fuck was this guy last month when Justin was handing me my ass with all of his fucking sources and research and information and cross examination and all that other left-wing conspiracy bullshit? Huh' date=' where the fuck were these thread closing, mind blowing posts then? Way to help a brother out. Left me crippled and lost in the fucking woods with all these wolves. Nice one, thanks a lot. Fucking bullshit.[/quote']

IP...I was buried under a ton of work. And don't take any shit from Justin. He's well educated, but young. :D And we all know youth is wasted on the young.

Mush love an' respect Justin! You know I got nothin' but love for your copper bike collectin' ass.

And thanks for the props, Inya. You doing well?

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  Isaac said:
Where the fuck was this guy last month when Justin was handing me my ass with all of his fucking sources and research and information and cross examination and all that other left-wing conspiracy bullshit? Huh' date=' where the fuck were these thread closing, mind blowing posts then? Way to help a brother out. Left me crippled and lost in the fucking woods with all these wolves. Nice one, thanks a lot. Fucking bullshit.[/quote']

LOL Thanks for the chuckle.

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  RVTPilot said:
IP...I was buried under a ton of work. And don't take any shit from Justin. He's well educated, but young. :D And we all know youth is wasted on the young.

Mush love an' respect Justin! You know I got nothin' but love for your copper bike collectin' ass.

And thanks for the props, Inya. You doing well?

I'm doing good, considering. I'm still limited in what I can do...no more MMA (probably forever)..weight lifting is hampered..no running....but I'm walking and I still have a leg, so I'm happy.

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  • 4 years later...
  jagr said:
gas will go up.

Good call.

  purdy said:
obama wont make it four years... neiter would mccain.... cancer or gun pick you poision

Here we are into his second presidency...

  max power said:
Look guys, you can almost see Jrmmiii's head growing. :microwave:

So, when do I get my gubment check and free gas?

no. That's for everyone else.

  xtremef4i said:
Im excited to see how fucked up our country will be now. Only 4 more years to go untill this mistake is fixed.....

obviously we didn't learn from the first four years.

  InyaAzz said:
You people kill me..you act like Obama is the anti christ. We had to put up with George Bush for 8 years and Obama hasn't even taken office yet, but he's the devil himself according to the McCain supporters. Unreal. You are the same people who voted for Bush..and now your judgement is supposed to be respected?

You had your turn..8 years of driving this country into the ground...losing our standing across the world stage..gaining more enemies every single day..a deficit that is so high, I don't think there's a number to represent it anymore. And you think Obama is going to do much worse, when he hasn't even been sworn in yet?

Get real people. Give the man a chance. If he fucks it up, you are entitled to say so and throw it in my face. But, lets be honest, no matter how well he does, you'll never give him any props. You all have made this thing personal, for whataver reasons. We're ALL American. Last time I checked anyways. You're the same people who say "Support George Bush, he's out president...support the war..regardless, because he's our commander and it's the right thing to do", but yet, you are already throwing Obama under the bus. I guess he's not worthy of your support...I guess 'Support your President' only matters when the President is someone you like.

Fucking hypocrites.


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  InyaAzz said:

...a deficit that is so high, I don't think there's a number to represent it anymore. And you think Obama is going to do much worse, when he hasn't even been sworn in yet?

Fucking hypocrites.

Yeeeaaahhh. What's that deficit at now?

This thread is hilarious and sad in hindsight.

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