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Anyone else get that stomach virus?


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Ill tell you what, i usually dont get sick, but ive gotten this shit TWICE! Its basically a 24hr job, intense stomach cramps, heavy vomiting, sever dehydration, fever, light headedness, reduced motor functions... basically your whole body just shuts down.


I thought it could be food born illness the first time, but after getting it the second time yesterday, i found that it isnt. The most identifiable item that came back up, was eaten 14hrs before hand, and more less totaly undigested.... as well as everything after that.


What ever this bug is... its the worst thing ive seen in a while. If you havent getten it yet, prey you dont.

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Yup. I got it week before last. Then Carie got it last week. I was down for two and a half days. Fucked my world up. At one point, I really thought I was dead. I was so light-headed and dizzy I couldn't hardly stand. It sucked ass.
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Well my super-human healing ability was able to get rid of it in only 20hrs. I started vomiting at about 4am, and by noon was able to hold down water... by 1am i was able to hold down some soupe and rice cakes. Today i woke up a little before 10 and felt about 90%... just another example of my indestructablity :D
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We got sick, too. First me, then a few days later, her. I thought it was something I ate, too, but then she got sick later. It lasted longer than 24hrs for me, but I was never nauseous and could still function. You ever see that South Park episode, though? If you've seen it, you know which one I'm talking about. Talk about some bathroom trips.
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