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Take a small surveyfor me?


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I'm doing a project for my sociology class, regarding online communities, specifically, message boards. I figured this would be a great place to do the survey. If you guys would, take a few minutes to answer these. Thanks.


1. Age

2. Gender

3. Approx. time you spend on a computer per day

4. Approx. time you spend on a message board

5. Do you feel message boards are a good thing, or a bad thing?

6. Why?

7. Extra thoughts?


Thanks again.

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I'm doing a project for my sociology class, regarding online communities, specifically, message boards. I figured this would be a great place to do the survey. If you guys would, take a few minutes to answer these. Thanks.


1. Age

2. Gender

3. Approx. time you spend on a computer per day

4. Approx. time you spend on a message board

5. Do you feel message boards are a good thing, or a bad thing?

6. Why?

7. Extra thoughts?


Thanks again.




Two hours

Two hours


Try running CR and come back to tell me


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1. Age- 25

2. Gender - Male

3. Approx. time you spend on a computer per day - 12+hours (its my job)

4. Approx. time you spend on a message board - 3 + hours off and on

5. Do you feel message boards are a good thing, or a bad thing? - They are a Distraction. They can be quite good for helping out but they can also become encumbering.

6. Why? - You get into a arugment with someone and you let it bleed over into your life. OR for the good side, You meet people you would not normaly meet.

7. Extra thoughts? - MB's are plauged with the same things we see in schools or any gathering of boddies. You have your clicks. your bullies your cool guys. Same game just digital.

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