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I het dumped for the first time ever.

Guest hotrodmama024

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Guest hotrodmama024
So i am partying tonight playing euchre having a great night. Friends leave and i talk about me talking to my ex today for the first time ( being opwn and honest) and told him that my ex said it was awesome if i wanted to bring Hailey over to visit with his parents. Thet really loved her and hailey really misses them. Not having any family out here i thought that she would like that. My current boyfriend... Chris thinks now that he cant trust me on such a bad judgement call for our relationship. When he both love each other more then anyone ever. I was ready to run off and get married and have kids with this man when i have never wanted that ever in my life! The first man i have ever loved and he had even asked my dad for my hand in marriage. How can hejsut say its done like that when i havent done anything to betray his trust. Sorry about venting, and i hate boyfriend drama! I need a race!! Anyone up for it tonight? lol
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either you're drinking, or so upset you didn't read over that paragraph after you typed it


rewrite that paragraph a bit when you sober up :)

or explain a bit better or give background


or just drive to the OSU campus and I'll hook you up with a nerdy little law school boy that'll make a lot of $$ some day :D (not me - i've enough women headaches)

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So i am partying tonight playing euchre having a great night. Friends leave and i talk about me talking to my ex today for the first time ( being opwn and honest) and told him that my ex said it was awesome if i wanted to bring Hailey over to visit with his parents. Thet really loved her and hailey really misses them. Not having any family out here i thought that she would like that. My current boyfriend... Chris thinks now that he cant trust me on such a bad judgement call for our relationship. When he both love each other more then anyone ever. I was ready to run off and get married and have kids with this man when i have never wanted that ever in my life! The first man i have ever loved and he had even asked my dad for my hand in marriage. How can hejsut say its done like that when i havent done anything to betray his trust. Sorry about venting, and i hate boyfriend drama! I need a race!! Anyone up for it tonight? lol

Quoted, just in case an edit comes later..

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Guest hotrodmama024
sorry i am not thinking correctly. I cant really see straight. plus my next door neighbor big lips wanted to have it out on me today and start shit with my daughter her granddaughter ansd daughter present. First time meeting her.i wanted to kick her ass. My stress is sooo freaking high right now, i want to beat something up now. lol
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Guest hotrodmama024

yes i am... I live by Easton now.


You're only over in reynoldsburgh, i could race you if you really need a race. If you have mods done you'll kick my ass though.
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Norwalk rematch.... I'll be over in 25 seconds (OH YEAH I"VE GOT THE NAWS)


J/K, I usually drive the hell out of my car when I have relationship drama. But if I have the kids I play "eat everything" and then pass out with the kids in my arms. Both work pretty well.

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So, im not even sure i should try and reply to the post. Were you drunk? You pissed off your boyfriend because you were talking/texting your ex. Then you tell him that your ex wants your kid to see his parents, im guessing he would be present also. Then you wonder why your bf is mad? Thats all i get from the post, my head hurts im going to lay down.
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Oh yes. After a few drinks it is even worse. Drama was the cause of my OMVI. :nono: :thumbdown:


DISCLAIMER: Drive the hell out of the car on back streets while being of sound mind and body. This includes being free of intoxication of any sort. If any type intoxication is present please call a cab, and have the cab driver drive really fast. The above statement in no way shape or form condones reckless driving in a public area. The messages are the views of the persons writing and do not reflect the opinions or views of Columbus Racing. Any further publication or distrobution without written consent is prohibited :D

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Guest hotrodmama024
I havent taken, or made a play date, it was just brought up that it was available cause they really like my daughter and she doesnt see my family (in california) nor her father or his family. She has only me. I understand his theory on why he feels that way but if there is real love there why want to leave me? i was trusting, i didnt lie. I dont drink either. So who wants to meet up and get there asses handed tonight? hehe
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Guest hotrodmama024

so on even though i know you will hand me my ass!


Norwalk rematch.... I'll be over in 25 seconds (OH YEAH I"VE GOT THE NAWS)


J/K, I usually drive the hell out of my car when I have relationship drama. But if I have the kids I play "eat everything" and then pass out with the kids in my arms. Both work pretty well.

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I guess my question is, why are you talking to your ex in the first place? were you friends before you started dating?


and just so we're clear, I'm sure he wanted you to come over for more than just letting your daughter see his parents... don't be nieve

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Guest hotrodmama024
You think i am that dumb? But i guess your not mature enough to understand sometimes people are friends after regardless. He has moved on to another girl. I am fucking happier then shit with that guy. Thats that. Move on with your stupid theory.
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is it his kid to? you keep saying "my" daughter, but if he's the father of your daughter, then he should have every right to see her and she should have every right to see her grandparents. But if not, that's kinda weird and it does seem like the ex is just trying to get back with you. but i can see your point of having no family etc in town. I dunno. good luck
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