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FU non global warming people


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The only problem I have with that article is the fact that in the very same year they say was the warmest on record, the entire country set record lows. The weather is changing. It has been for billions of years. Proof: There are fresh water lakes under the icebergs and glaciers millions, maybe even billions of years old. We didn't cause that shit. Maybe dinosaur farts did???
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Here's a thought. What are the possibilities of hemisphere change? I mean weather wise. I think there could be a season shift that takes place over thousands of years. What are peoples thoughts on this?


Parts of Europe were in a climate shift for 400-500 years (I think it was 13 or 1400 to 1800), it killed the wine industry then.

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I think were going to see a twist in our seasons and shit due to the change in atmosphere. This does not have to be global warming it could just because of the change in chemical's in the air. But I'm sure its something, Is it GLOBAL WARMING as the left claims? Not sure. But It is something and it is causing issues.
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They have found fossils of tropical plants in antartica. I am curious how those got there, did the cavmen leave the thermostat in thier cave turned up while they drove thier coal fired SUVs to work?


Climate change may be happening, however I would like to see how we have any control over it. Compared to the emesions of every other living thing on this earth, we are nothing.


BTW, anyone pointing out this little bit of data:

"The combined temperature for the December-February period was 1.3 degrees F (0.72 degree C) above the 20th century mean, the agency said. "

Keep in mind you are using data collected 100+ years ago. Do you really trust equipment based on the technology of that time to be acurate to 1 degree? Someone please bring up that rag the U.N. just put out, that thing is nothing but diplomats skewing science to make the report say what they want it to.

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Why do you guys think that scientists are lying to you about global warming? What do they gain from doing so?


Introducing as many CFCs as we do into the atmosphere is obviously going to eff it up.


It is political, that is the reason. How does a scientist/researcher keep their job? Create a problem that needs solving that's how. How does a politician keep their name in the news... get behind and inflate an "issue".


Why has Mars warmed too? Is there any chance the energy put out by the sun fluctuates?


Risk is correct. Why do the Brits drink (mostly) beer? When the Romans were there they planted vinyards and now they are gone, why?


If there is SO much concern about the environment and C02, why hasn't anyone put a ban on Coke and Pepsi? Everytime you open a can you release C02 in to the environment.

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Also, remember when Al Gore gave the speech on global warming and there were record low temperatures in NE of around 50 below?


What was said about that? The global warming will make it fluctuate temperatures quicker, making hotter summers, and colder winters.


Check MSN thoday, there is a link to a story on this winter being the warmest on record. You watch and see, this will be blamed on global warming, the exact opposite of what was said 2 or 3 years ago.


Any person can find enough information to prove what they want you to believe on any subject. Look at OJ's story.

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....So these big bad politicians should be frowned upon by trying to preserve our earth and protect our environment?


Your can of soda suggestion is retarded, because the amount of damage released from a can of coke being opened (I'm rolling my eyes at you right now and sighing) isn't even anywhere close to the amount that trucks and cars and factories do... It's tough to get restrictions passed on those, because the industries that utilize/power those things have so much wealth and political influence. Who is trying to line their pockets again?


If Global warming isn't caused by us releasing a mind boggling amount of pollutants into the air, then that still causes things like acid rain, mercury poisoning in fish/birds, etc etc etc... You guys are pretty dense. Save the motherfuggin planet, bitches.

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How can you ignore the polar ice caps melting? How do you ignore the fact that polar bear population dropped 40%? Their world is melting right under their feet. Polar bears are drowning while they attempt to swim to new "land". Frogs are have serious problems also. The solar rays that used to be filtered are now hitting their eggs unchecked. This is cause some frogs to become deformed and/or die all together. Some species are coming closer and closer to extinction. These are facts. Not opinions.


I have a pond in the back yard. It is man made. The pond gets shallower due to dead plant material collecting on the bottom. The edges to the pond get broken down by erosion. If left unchecked by me (man) the pond will succumb to the earth, and eventually become what its before it was dug... earth. Mother nature heals herself despite the creatures that in habit her. I fear that if we go unchecked and allow our products to deplete mother nature of what she needs. She will take action to heal herself. If the ice caps melt and change the flow of the oceans, it is very possible that we could see ourselves plunged into another ice age, while mother nature tries to heal herself. Global warming doesn't necessarily mean that Ohio's temperature will become to resemble Florida.



I don't want to see the internal combustion engine that we all love die. I hate electric cars. Although, we do need to also take care of our home. I just hope we find a good alternative fuel for our internal combustion engine. I personally hope we find a way to make ethanol really work.

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Is it GLOBAL WARMING as the left claims?


by left do you mean the entire scientific community?


sorry to people who think its not our fault, but it is. the rise in temperature is directly proportional to co2 levels. its not an issue of if its happening, its more: how bad will it be?

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Your can of soda suggestion is retarded, because the amount of damage released from a can of coke being opened (I'm rolling my eyes at you right now and sighing) isn't even anywhere close to the amount that trucks and cars and factories do... It's tough to get restrictions passed on those, because the industries that utilize/power those things have so much wealth and political influence. Who is trying to line their pockets again?


EXCELLENT.... you bit. Hook line and sinker!


The C02 in soda is recycled. Taken from the environment and returned to the environment... no net gain or loss.


Just goes to show how LITTLE you understand of the issues and conditions involved!


Now, please stop pontificating on what you obviously know nothing about.

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EXCELLENT.... you bit. Hook line and sinker!


The C02 in soda is recycled. Taken from the environment and returned to the environment... no net gain or loss.


Just goes to show how LITTLE you understand of the issues and conditions involved!


Now, please stop pontificating on what you obviously know nothing about.



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How can you ignore the polar ice caps melting? How do you ignore the fact that polar bear population dropped 40%? Their world is melting right under their feet. Polar bears are drowning while they attempt to swim to new "land". Frogs are have serious problems also. The solar rays that used to be filtered are now hitting their eggs unchecked. This is cause some frogs to become deformed and/or die all together. Some species are coming closer and closer to extinction. These are facts. Not opinions.


So did someone sit and count every polar bear? Polar bear drowning... lets see web feet, and hair that is hollow for insulation (Me thinks they were made to swim :D )


I have a pond in the back yard. It is man made. The pond gets shallower due to dead plant material collecting on the bottom. The edges to the pond get broken down by erosion. If left unchecked by me (man) the pond will succumb to the earth, and eventually become what its before it was dug... earth. Mother nature heals herself despite the creatures that in habit her. I fear that if we go unchecked and allow our products to deplete mother nature of what she needs. She will take action to heal herself. If the ice caps melt and change the flow of the oceans, it is very possible that we could see ourselves plunged into another ice age, while mother nature tries to heal herself. Global warming doesn't necessarily mean that Ohio's temperature will become to resemble Florida.

So you are saying the course of nature is to go towards disorder and decay. Kinda of shoots evolution in the foot!

Global warming is going to lead to another ice age? :nono:


I don't want to see the internal combustion engine that we all love die. I hate electric cars. Although, we do need to also take care of our home. I just hope we find a good alternative fuel for our internal combustion engine. I personally hope we find a way to make ethanol really work.

$3.00 per ear of corn here we go!

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not me.....I'd take a faster than shit electric car that can take me 200-400 miles on a single charge. So long as it doesn't cost more and the motor and power cells are long lived.



I don't want to see the internal combustion engine that we all love die. I hate electric cars. Although, we do need to also take care of our home. I just hope we find a good alternative fuel for our internal combustion engine. I personally hope we find a way to make ethanol really work.

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How can you ignore the polar ice caps melting? How do you ignore the fact that polar bear population dropped 40%? Their world is melting right under their feet. Polar bears are drowning while they attempt to swim to new "land". Frogs are have serious problems also. The solar rays that used to be filtered are now hitting their eggs unchecked. This is cause some frogs to become deformed and/or die all together. Some species are coming closer and closer to extinction. These are facts. Not opinions.


I have a pond in the back yard. It is man made. The pond gets shallower due to dead plant material collecting on the bottom. The edges to the pond get broken down by erosion. If left unchecked by me (man) the pond will succumb to the earth, and eventually become what its before it was dug... earth. Mother nature heals herself despite the creatures that in habit her. I fear that if we go unchecked and allow our products to deplete mother nature of what she needs. She will take action to heal herself. If the ice caps melt and change the flow of the oceans, it is very possible that we could see ourselves plunged into another ice age, while mother nature tries to heal herself. Global warming doesn't necessarily mean that Ohio's temperature will become to resemble Florida.



I don't want to see the internal combustion engine that we all love die. I hate electric cars. Although, we do need to also take care of our home. I just hope we find a good alternative fuel for our internal combustion engine. I personally hope we find a way to make ethanol really work.


The truth is, bud, no one knows. In reality, what's happening is the return of normality for the Earth. This is proven by the amount of life found deep within the ice, and the lakes of fresh water under the ice caps. This is fact. The earth was much, much hotter during the times of the dinosaurs. Something happened causing the ice age. Go ahead, fight about it, but it wasn't global warming. Dinosaur farts did not cause the ice age. No. I don't believe we're responsible for the current warming trends on Earth. If we are, who's responsible for the current warming trends on every other planet in our solar system?



Glaciologically, ice age is often used to mean a period of ice sheets in the northern and southern hemispheres; by this definition we are still in an ice age (because the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets still exist).


More reading for you:





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So you are saying the course of nature is to go towards disorder and decay. Kinda of shoots evolution in the foot!



No, I am saying that mother earth is returning the pond back to what it was

before hand.. earth/dirt. As in a grass covered plot of land.


So did someone sit and count every polar bear? Polar bear drowning... lets see web feet, and hair that is hollow for insulation (Me thinks they were made to swim :D )


Actually, kinda, yes. Believe it or not there are people whos job it is to keep tabs on things like this. Here do yourself a favor and read.


"SCIENTISTS have for the first time found evidence that polar bears are drowning because climate change is melting the Arctic ice shelf.


The researchers were startled to find bears having to swim up to 60 miles across open sea to find food. They are being forced into the long voyages because the ice floes from which they feed are melting, becoming smaller and drifting farther apart.


Although polar bears are strong swimmers, they are adapted for swimming close to the shore. Their sea journeys leave them them vulnerable to exhaustion, hypothermia or being swamped by waves.


According to the new research, four bear carcases were found floating in one month in a single patch of sea off the north coast of Alaska, where average summer temperatures have increased by 2-3C degrees since 1950s.


The scientists believe such drownings are becoming widespread across the Arctic, an inevitable consequence of the doubling in the past 20 years of the proportion of polar bears having to swim in open seas.


“Mortalities due to offshore swimming may be a relatively important and unaccounted source of natural mortality given the energetic demands placed on individual bears engaged in long-distance swimming,” says the research led by Dr Charles Monnett, marine ecologist at the American government’s Minerals Management Service. “Drowning-related deaths of polar bears may increase in the future if the observed trend of regression of pack ice continues.”


The research, presented to a conference on marine mammals in San Diego, California, last week, comes amid evidence of a decline in numbers of the 22,000 polar bears that live in about 20 sites across the Arctic circle.


In Hudson Bay, Canada, the site of the most southerly polar bears, a study by the US Geological Survey (USGS) and the Canadian Wildlife Service to be published next year will show the population fell 22% from 1,194 in 1987 to 935 last year.


New evidence from field researchers working for the World Wildlife Fund in Yakutia, on the northeast coast of Russia, has also shown the region’s first evidence of cannibalism among bears competing for food supplies.


Polar bears live on ice all year round and use it as a platform from which to hunt food and rear their young. They hunt near the edge, where the ice is thinnest, catching seals when they make holes in the ice to breath. They typically eat one seal every four or five days and a single bear can consume 100lb of blubber at one sitting.


As the ice pack retreats north in the summer between June and October, the bears must travel between ice floes to continue hunting in areas such as the shallow water of the continental shelf off the Alaskan coast — one of the most food-rich areas in the Arctic.


However, last summer the ice cap receded about 200 miles further north than the average of two decades ago, forcing the bears to undertake far longer voyages between floes.


“We know short swims up to 15 miles are no problem, and we know that one or two may have swum up to 100 miles. But that is the extent of their ability, and if they are trying to make such a long swim and they encounter rough seas they could get into trouble,” said Steven Amstrup, a research wildlife biologist with the USGS.


The new study, carried out in part of the Beaufort Sea, shows that between 1986 and 2005 just 4% of the bears spotted off the north coast of Alaska were swimming in open waters. Not a single drowning had been documented in the area.


However, last September, when the ice cap had retreated a record 160 miles north of Alaska, 51 bears were spotted, of which 20% were seen in the open sea, swimming as far as 60 miles off shore.


The researchers returned to the vicinity a few days later after a fierce storm and found four dead bears floating in the water. “We estimate that of the order of 40 bears may have been swimming and that many of those probably drowned as a result of rough seas caused by high winds,” said the report.


In their search for food, polar bears are also having to roam further south, rummaging in the dustbins of Canadian homes. Sir Ranulph Fiennes, the explorer who has been to the North Pole seven times, said he had noticed a deterioration in the bears’ ice habitat since his first expedition in 1975.


“Each year there was more water than the time before,” he said. “We used amphibious sledges for the first time in 1986.”


His last expedition was in 2002, when he fell through the ice and lost some of his fingers to frostbite.





In Hudson Bay, Canada, the site of the most southerly polar bears, a study by the US Geological Survey (USGS) and the Canadian Wildlife Service to be published next year will show the population fell 22% from 1,194 in 1987 to 935 last year.


... and that figure is just from that one area of the polar bears region!!


On to your next comment:


Global warming is going to lead to another ice age? :nono:


That is one theroy on the subject that worries me. Do yourself a favor. Do a little research on the subject. Research the model that takes into effect the oceans current drasticly changing due to the introduction of massive ammounts of fresh water.




Oh, and I would rather see three dollar corn then eight dollar per gallon fuel. Also its a hell of a lot better the those damn electric cars. Oh and one thing America has plenty of is corn feilds. More money for us. ;-)



What is so wrong with us as a species SHARING this planet doing our part to keep it and its other inhabitants here for generations to come.

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How can you ignore the polar ice caps melting? How do you ignore the fact that polar bear population dropped 40%? Their world is melting right under their feet. Polar bears are drowning while they attempt to swim to new "land".


1) I heard there is record snow fall in the polar regions.

2) I heard polar bear population is up 60% and rules on hunting them are about to go into effect to control the increasing population.

3) Who cares if a polar bear drowns. Shouldn't have went out that far anyway.


Mostly just making a point that your news told you what you want to hear and that my news told me what I want to hear. Science or politics? you decide.



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