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The newest car guy...


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was born St. Patricks Day at 12:50 pm. Meet my son, Cameron.



He was a few weeks early, and still has a couple small health problems to work out, but overall, he is doing great. Eat, sleep, poop, smile, repeat.


I don't want to go into the whole medical thing, but if anyone has first-hand experience with Coombs Disease, please share.




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Congrats, your life will never be the same, it will only get better!





Quoted for the Truth


congrats Vin. not famiular with Coombs Disease.



on a side note we have TONS of boys clothes we are getting ready to sell (Garage sell). If you want to me to hold/set aside a tub for you I can.

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Congrats! Your life will change that's for sure, but it's all for the better. Enjoy the various stages. Just like modding, each stage has it's rewards....and has costs associated with it ;)


Props on the sepia tone creativity.

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Congrats Vince, coolest thing to happen to me in my entire life, nothing is the same, and I have only been at it for 13 days. Like everyone says, sleep when ever you can. And damn Shawn, how the hell do you handle 3 at once? I am tired just thinking about triplets! I took her and her mother shopping at the outlet malls for the first time yesterday. we bought some good stuff for her. :)
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Congrats Vince, coolest thing to happen to me in my entire life, nothing is the same, and I have only been at it for 13 days. Like everyone says, sleep when ever you can. And damn Shawn, how the hell do you handle 3 at once? I am tired just thinking about triplets! I took her and her mother shopping at the outlet malls for the first time yesterday. we bought some good stuff for her. :)





wait till they start crawling/walking.

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