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Im a huge Will Ferrell fan and I guess Jon Heder isn't that bad. I got prescreening tickets for tonight at 7:30 at lennox. Anyone else going? I wasn't even planning on seeing it this weekend but these tickets were literally given to me, hard to say no.


Has anyone ever gone to one of these prescreening's before? the back of the ticket says "get there early, seats are NOT garanteed. Theater is NOT responsible for seating capacity". So these places just give these things out with no regard for how many people it can hold? what if they gave out 500 of these "prescreening passes"? Guess I'll find out tonight.

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Has anyone ever gone to one of these prescreening's before? the back of the ticket says "get there early, seats are NOT garanteed. Theater is NOT responsible for seating capacity". So these places just give these things out with no regard for how many people it can hold? what if they gave out 500 of these "prescreening passes"? Guess I'll find out tonight.


They probably give out more than that. When my brother worked at the B&N near the Lenox they would drop of stacks of them there.

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Just be sure to get there incredibly early or you'll be in the neck breaker seats.


I hate that. Sitting in the front row for the fucking lose. You have to actually move your head side to side in an attempt to see everything going on on the screen.

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Sitting in an empty theater for an hour beforehand ftl. I would just wait


Yeah I wasn't too hot about that either, we got there about 6:40 (movie started at 7:30) and there was probably 30 people already there. It was in one of lennox's big screen's so the seating capacity was huge. But the tickets were free, so I didnt want to pass up on them. Oh and we got PERFECT seats, center mid-upper.


Over all the movie itself was pretty damn funny. I'd say better than talledega nights, but not the best comedy by far. Will Ferrell has his own way of taking on a charector and saying/doing little stuff thats just funny. (shake and bake, Yeah that just happened) But over all a funny movie.

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