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all i gotta say is if we lose to fucking Florida in the basketball championship i'm going to forfeit all my OSU gear.


Go ahead and get rid of all your gear now as your not a true "fan" obviously, I will always wear my OSU garb regardless of how bad they could get. Honestly I know how you feel if we do end up losing in both sports to florida, but I believe we have a team that can beat them, it's a matter of how bad they want it I think.

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I could normally care less about NCAA basketball... hell, any basketball for that matter. But the other night, when Joakim Noah was on TV running his fat mouth about how great they are... I watched the Georgetown - OSU game with great interest; hoping we would have the opportunity to shut that little creep up.


Go Bucks!

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I could normally care less about NCAA basketball... hell, any basketball for that matter. But the other night, when Joakim Noah was on TV running his fat mouth about how great they are... I watched the Georgetown - OSU game with great interest; hoping we would have the opportunity to shut that little creep up.


Go Bucks!


Oh, I hate Noah so, so much. :nutkick:


And I gotta agree with Ben on this one, a true fan never gives up on their team. I was very disappointed with UCLA fouling out and spending time watching a game that I knew they could never win due to that, but I stick by them. And they lost to GODDAMN F'N FLORIDA - excuse me :doh: - they lost to Florida last year, as well.


Part of me wants Florida to win just so in my head I can say UCLA was only beaten by the N.C.'s. But, I will be rooting for OSU to be NC's. It would make next year especially interesting. I don't think Florida will be as good and I think OSU will improve. ( :( As will, North Carolina and Miami)

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I don't think Florida will be as good and I think OSU will improve. ( :( As will, North Carolina and Miami)


OSU will most likely lose Oden and possibly Connelly to the NBA before next season. This is just speculation, but I've heard/read it on either ESPN or Sports Illustrated before.

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I'm sorry but Oden is not ready for the NBA. He's not smart enough to play for more than 10 minutes w/o getting into foul trouble. He's got a hell of a lot of potential but he lacks the experience and hasn't developed to that level yet.


I hope we beat their asses tonight. I have friends down in Tampa who busted my balls about how overrated we were in football when they beat us up. I NEED this :)

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I'm sorry but Oden is not ready for the NBA. He's not smart enough to play for more than 10 minutes w/o getting into foul trouble. He's got a hell of a lot of potential but he lacks the experience and hasn't developed to that level yet.


Im not big into college bball, but I do agree. On the other hand, given the choice of nuturing your talents at the college level or going into the draft knowing your be riding the bench and playing second team until your up to par while making money doing so. I'd pick the latter. You can always go back to school, but if he stays at OSU he takes the, unlikely, chance of getting injured and hurting his chances of play pro at all.

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I need this to rid myself of all the demons that came with being at the National Championship game and having to sit in demoralizing horror at Florida scored over and over and over and their stupid fucking hillbilly fans - man, woman, and child alike - did stupid fucking Gator chomps and yelled "I'm proud - to be - a - Florida Gator - said - I'm proud - to be - a Florida Gator" ad nauseum. All the OSU fans wanted was something - ANYTHING - from OSU just so we could have some ammunition to fire back at the stupid Florida fucking Nation there in that stadium. Now, I need this, so that every fucking time I see a Florida fan I will mercilessly - and I mean mercilessly - hound them to the point of tears. They so have it coming; please, Baskeball Gods, deliver us this just this one time.
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I'm sorry but Oden is not ready for the NBA. He's not smart enough to play for more than 10 minutes w/o getting into foul trouble. He's got a hell of a lot of potential but he lacks the experience and hasn't developed to that level yet.


I hope we beat their asses tonight. I have friends down in Tampa who busted my balls about how overrated we were in football when they beat us up. I NEED this :)



Good points...but money talks. Boston takes him #1 and makes him a millionaire several times over the minute he declares.

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Regardless of who you are rooting for, let's cheer on our kids to a great finish to an amazing season. UF has had a great 2 years with their current squad and I couldn't be happier with our young freshmen that came to tOSU this season. Hopefully everyone remains healthy for the entire game and that it's one filled with highlights that will be remembered for quite some time.



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Don't count Oden out of college yet. Conley said yesterday in an interview that he was definitely coming back next year. Oden said in an interview last week he would not leave college until he could dominate at the next level. He does not want to sit on the bench until he is ready. Clearly Oden is not ready to dominate the NBA. If Conley stands by his word and returns I can see Oden following suit. If he does next year will be a lot of fun!
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