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Hillard hostage standoff?


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Im mad. If I had been at work 20mins SOONER today, I would have been first car behind that guy going down the highway. They (he and caller) passed rite outside my area.


*insert most pissed off coolest/scariest/most amazing fucking thing of my career just passing by smily here*


Shit was crazy on the west side today, that and an additional gun run about 30mins after the wacko took over the house. I did go on that at least :D

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Whoa! You're not going to believe this! I'm here at my church, the Worthington Seventh-Day Adventist Church. We're doing this week-long conference during Easter week. Anyways, my pastor just told me that man was here in the church Saturday night a little after 7 pm. He walked in and identified himself as something like "Ryan Morris". He said his car ran out of gas and he needed some money. The pastor gave him $5 and another member another $5. He left and that was it. He didn't get past the lobby. I was in the sanctuary the whole time on the PA system. Thank God nothing happened. :eek:
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