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4 dollars a gallon?


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They don't make all their money from charging you more at the pump. A majority of their profit comes from the sell of crude to other companies/countries. With the price of crude being as high as it is in the market right now these companies are just raking in the profits. If you want to blame someone, blame China. The demand from their economic expansion (thanks Walmart) is causing the price of everything to go up (construction materials, fuel, lumber..etc). Ask Sam how much concrete has gone up in price in the past few years. Our love for inefficient trucks and SUV's certainly doesn't help the situation either.
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They said the same shit last summer, and the summer before that. So honestly, I don't believe a word of it. Doomsayers... :rolleyes:


Exactly what I came in to say. OH NOES, there is conflict in the middle east, gas prices are going to spike! Come watch our news channel for more info!


won't happen, don't care. Iran has just as little to do with our gas prices as Iraq.

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Is a PAB a pussy ass bitch? If not, it should be. $4 gallon = metro time again for me.



Punk but pussy works too. I'm curious what the prices of E85 have been running. At 4$ a gallon it seems that if E85 is running cheaper by much it would be worth it to convert atleast my subby.


I was reading that in some places E85 can be as much as 1$ less per gallon.



Please god let me bike get finished.

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Anyone else notice the prices always seem to go up before summer, holidays, or any other time there's going to be increased driving?


yup. thats no coincidence.


they fluctuate with the day of the week too. usually tuesday or wednesday they are they lowest, then they go back up for the weekend.



another thing: dont drive all over town to find the cheapest gas. what you are saving in gas price, you lose instantly when you drive the 10 miles back home. try to find the cheapest price thats within a mile of your regularly traveled routes.

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My question is why havent the spiggots been turned on in Iraq? I believe they are exporting 10% of their capacity right now. Get their exports up, supply goes up, and cost will theoretically come down.
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Guest Mushijobah
canada is just england's bridge to the U.S. when they decide to invade.



Maybe immigrate to their new home once every other continent is fucked.

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