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Another game while at work.


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Gerg, I used yours as a starting point.... and upgraded. I got 3518 points on medium. I would have beaten Medium, but I messed up deleting a tower and made a door.



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i didnt realize that they couldnt walk through the towers lol. I made it to like 30 something on the first try, ill try again.


3204 2nd try, all 50 lvls, 12 lives left.


Typhoon Tower FTW!


Blue - Typhoon Towers

Red - Stage 5 Squirt Towers

Green - Stage 5 Swarm Tower






This one works too, not as good as the first though.


Stage 4 Swarm Tower

Stage 5 Squirt Towers surrounding the Swarm Tower



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Why don't you guys upgrade your pellets? You don't need to go nuts, but Level II upgrade for 5 gold seems to make them much more effective.


I understand the concept of using them as barriers. Thanks.


It is much more effective to invest in the heavy damage towers. Mine looked almost exactly the same as the last one posted.

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I did medium with 49XX. Has anyone ever killed the flying boss? I just let them go.



Nope, hes the only one i cant kill, even with 4 Typhoon towers and a maxed out swarm tower... i can get him close, but never dead.

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