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allstate :thumbsdown:


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so last month i started this thread




ended up going with allstate, the guy i spoke to told me with my auto and renter policy, i would be paying something like 153-155/mo (cant remember exactly). i had to pay like 164 down for my auto, and 25.50 for my renters...ok...


so today i get a bill for may, which says 143 for auto, and 22$ for renters...thinking i thought the number wrong, i said fuck it. then i look at the 2nd page, and it says to pay monthly, i would be paying 155.43 for auto and 25.50 for renters...almost 181$. so i call up alstate, and ask WTF is going on. 181 isnt much less than i was paying with the previous company, and for this price, i would probably keep searching


after trying to talk to some bitch in india for 10 min, she finally sends me to some guy who spoke english. hes going over the bill, and come to find out, the original guy lied to me, the 153 was auto only, renters insurance is like 172.xx for the year...so im thinking, ok, 172/12 payments = 15$/mo...why a bill for 22 this month, 25.50 after that?? 168 would be a little better.....but NO


allstate will not send out a bill for less than 20$. my renters insurance over 9 months comes out to 19.xx, so they lower the months down to 8, to get 22$/mo.


if this isnt enough, since im paying on a monthly basis, they are going to charge me 3.50$ for each policy payment, for another extra 7$.


so from the 155ish/month i was told by the guy i set my policy up with, im now at a 181$/mo bill. might not sound like much to some people, but with my income, and my bills i have to pay, that extra 26$ could go towards something else


allstate can suck my nut. im not happy, and im gonna be on the hunt for an insurance company that is somewhat more honest than allstate...(wait...honest and insurance in the same sentence??)

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I dont even think its a question of getting charged an extra 26$/month. Its principle that they told you one thing and did another. and now your getting nickel and dimed, thats BS. And the fact that they changed your policy length b/c they aren't flexible enough to send a bill under 20.00 is rediculous.


Though, im sure if you bitch enough to someone high enough, you will get what you want. you could try it?

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That's weird. I just had a big confrontation over the phone with my insurance company, State Farm, yesterday because the person whom I spoke with quoted me $30 less then what my bill came out to for my Miata. I'm now on the hunt for another company as well.
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GET. AN. AGENT. I have Allstate through an Agent and i couldn't be happier. I saved ~$1000/year when I switched from State Farm for very similar service. What he and I discuss over the phone is exactly what I pay. Your renter's insurance works like this: the policy length is 12 months. They won't send out a bill under $20, so instead of 12 bills for ~$14 you pay 8 monthly bills for ~$22. The policy lasts 12 months, but you don't have to pay them for the last 4 months. Understand now?
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yeah, im fully aware of not having to pay for the last 4 months, but at the same time, im pissed that its extra i have to pay on the bill


the part that pissed me off is when the guy said "its not cost efficient for us to send a bill for under 20$"...so i asked him, "but you just assume its cost efficient for ME to pay extra per month ontop of what your guy told me?"


ill look into the agent. maybe they can help me out some

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