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I'll save it, I got some girls to come to the party Friday night from QS&L.




You can all thank me friday.



/back to drinking

Good I'll be nice and sauced for that then muwahahahahahahahaa! There weren't shit for tail out last night, I tell ya. I almost thought of taking another one for the TEAM!! :eek: :eek: :eek: Joe you're a liar you man slut. :p:D

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This weekend is Marathon Monday in Boston; that basically means that every person at BU and BC wakes up at 10am on monday (day off) and drinks until 10pm and watches the Boston Marathon. Tis a wonderful holiday that rivals Christmas in overall participation (there's a billion jews at BU)
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How about spending all your free time while in Iraq, busy going out EVERYDAY, calling and emailing a girl. Giving up 4 hours of sleep to wait in line for the phone, and call a girl. Send her packages, fly her round trip to your house for 3 days, spend 5 days with your family to see her, spend upwards of $15K, to have a girl not appriciate a thing you've done and tell you as you get out of the army she didn't think we should've been in a relationship. You go through hell and high water to treat some girls right, and they never appriciate that shit. :mad: This is why women should be treated like shit due to their fickle minds, and un-appriciation of what's good for em.



Well not all women are un-appreciative, there are women out there who put the guy first, do everything under the sun to make sure that there man is happy. Down to every little detail to make sure that the person they are with is getting all the attention and love they deserve and those girls still get dumped and shit on. So its not just guys who get treated like crap. You have to move on and realize that if they are too stubborn or too selfish to see the mounds of effort that the other person put into that realtionship, then they arent worth your precious time. Then down the road when they get into another shitty relationship and look back at what they once could have had they will be kicking themselves inthe ass for being stupid. Some come around before its too late, others dont. Its about seeing what you have in front of you and not trying to find everything little reason as to why something so good could be bad. Its about just being happy and appreciating the other person and the situation you've been given. Finding someone who truely loves you for who you really are is something that is very hard to find. Its easy to find someone you get along with and have fun with but its hard to find a person who will always put the other person first no matter what. Those are the people you dont want to loose so when you get one dont let it slip away and dont always assume every girl is like the last cause thats not true.


Hope all works out for ya guys.

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True. I pick up older women usually, but never the less, women don't appriciate shit. You have to walk the line between complete and total dick and prince fucking charming. Stupid games honestly. I go to a previous statement of fuck em' and forget em'. (and delete the number!!!! DRUNK DIALS ARE BAAAAAAAAAD!)



Why you grow up a little your learn. Its not all them. Part of it is probably you. Considering the way you speak about them only helps me to believe this. Buy hey who am I?

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