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Weight Lifters

Guest Hal

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Just wondering if there are any serious weight lifters on here other than myself and 10sec93. It would be interesting to get a CR training day or meet setup.


If you happen do be a serious lifter, are you a gear user (bench shirts, squat suits, etc...) or a raw lifter? What type of style do you train? Bodybuilder or powerlifter?

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I lift to train for tri-athelons and general muscle development. I am going to win the arnold pump and run for the next year, so I can have my picture with the ARNOLD (I think I can win based on previous years stats). My 5k times are the best they have every been 18:50's and benching my body weight 30 times is cake (I mean its only 180ish)
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i havnt been able to lift since my hernia surgery last year. I can do a bit, but unless i can get some sort of special belt, ill never be able to slam weights again or ill risk tearing the screen away from the muscle tissue. Id rather pound on a speed bag or a bowflex anymore.
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Lets set up a poll, see if people are intrested in a braggin rights only meet for June 9th. 3 lift or bench only. Set up a Raw, Single equipped and unlimited divisions or just a Raw and Equipped. I feel Raw still should have a belt though, for safety/injury reasons. Just an idea.
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I like to include belts and wrist wraps in raw divisions. Shirted, I normally say anything goes apart from elbow wraps and canvas.


I'll put up a poll if we get some more responses in here.


PS. If you need help with that rage-x let me know. I got around 135lbs out of mine after about 5 training sessions. I can show you some tricks and things. Like I said in the other thread I trained with some big names, and trained/trained with an 800lb bencher.

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I lift to train for tri-athelons and general muscle development. I am going to win the arnold pump and run for the next year, so I can have my picture with the ARNOLD (I think I can win based on previous years stats). My 5k times are the best they have every been 18:50's and benching my body weight 30 times is cake (I mean its only 180ish)

My PM box is empty now if you wanna get back with me man.

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Lets set up a poll, see if people are intrested in a braggin rights only meet for June 9th. 3 lift or bench only. Set up a Raw, Single equipped and unlimited divisions or just a Raw and Equipped. I feel Raw still should have a belt though, for safety/injury reasons. Just an idea.


Power to weight ratio :)

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I agree with the wrist wraps and belts on raw. I know the names who you have mentioned. I appreciate the offer on the help with the shirt too. My biggest problem is only having the thing on about 4 times...once for a meet. My buddy is gonna help me after my shoulder heals, he trained with Kenny Patterson and the progessive evolution crew after kenny left westside. He has benched in the 600's and locked over 700 on 3 board presses. Though I might have to swing to your side of town sometime, as always any info helps.
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Kenny is a good guy, he definitely knows his stuff. I would suggest not training board presses the way he does, I'm surprised he hasn't broken a rib lol.


As for the shirt:

Set the shoulders tight, you will feel if your shoulders are in.

Do not lift the weight off yourself. Have your liftoff guy take nearly all the weight. Taking the weight yourself gives you a tendency to roll your shoulders and lose the set.

ELBOWS IN. Stab yourself in the side with them

Belly UP. As the shirt compresses push your belly up and push your heels down (they shouldn't be able to touch the floor). you want the angle of your legs to resemble this... <


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I had an Inguinal hernia, the rarest and most severe kind... you can search that one yourself... if you know of a special abdominal harness, let me know, and maybe ill come out and play :D


Been there...done that...never been the same physically since. In good time you'll find that you are able to regain a good amount of strength. I was never really big but I've found that I can comfortably lift about 80% of what I used to be able to do without straining and causing any increased exposure of further damage.


However even to this day Abdominal exercizes are not pleasant so I usually just avoid them.



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I haven't maxed out on any one lift since, I suppose, my freshman year of college. A multitude of different injuries to my back, neck, wrist and shoulder would probably preclude me from doing so. I spend about 2hrs a day at the gym, focusing mainly on building mass, but staying away from any weight that will put me back in the doctors office. I could probably get amped up to give my bench and squat another run for glory, but not using some bionic shirts, and or sacrificing a full range of motion. I've always viewed that as cheating yourself.
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Been there...done that...never been the same physically since. In good time you'll find that you are able to regain a good amount of strength. I was never really big but I've found that I can comfortably lift about 80% of what I used to be able to do without straining and causing any increased exposure of further damage.


However even to this day Abdominal exercizes are not pleasant so I usually just avoid them.




Well i can still grab a 225lb person around the waist and pick them up without too much trouble, its putting them down is what hurts. Doing any kind of repping kills me too. I can do about 5 or 6 situps before the sharp pains kick in, but when they do, i freeze lol. So if theres anykind of activity left for me, its rowing... i got all the shoulders legs and back a skulling boat can handel :D


Oh yea, who wants to play tug of war? Im still undefeated ;)

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i lift when i can, but my work schedule prevents me from doing a lot, and lifting after a 30 hour shift is the equivalent to lifting when severely hung over.


i've never used anything, no powders, pills, shirts, gloves, wraps, roids, suits, etc. maybe a belt when i used to squat.


i don't go over 315 bench anymore--can't afford to get hurt at all. i'm hoping to get into things this summer and go at least 4 times per week.

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I'm big into lifting, been going for powerlifting lately, as bodybuilding bores me, gotta be strong and not just look strong.


ive been training RAW, but want to be working on using gear (mainly shirt).

i compete (no sanctioned meets yet) in the 165lb class

should have a 1100 raw total (gym), have pulled 405 and benched 350 raw last meet i did at a 161lb BW. got 370 raw bench two weeks ago at 170lb BW.

havent worked to much in my shirt F6, im getting the groove better in it but havent got it to touch yet as ive only loaded up 405 in it.

im working on benching 3X my BW raw and 4X BW shirted. long way to go though.

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