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The Illusions of Windows Vista


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linux > windoze


Server 2003 with tuning > RH L% Ent, SuSE


Just take NYSE and the LSE word for it.




The articles throw around VSS. VSS is a hook. Microsoft has never had a utility other then NTBACKUP in 2K3 that utilizes VSS. Any System Engineer/Admin knows that NTBACKUP is something you use a fail safe, not an alternative to a backup strategy.


As stated, there's no compression done on Vista images. That's not the worst thing in the world considering they have the ground works for snapshot/image based technology. Anyone out there that has had the pleasures of using NTBACKUP would give their first born for uncompressed image based backup.


If there wasn't the option to turn it off, I'd understand why people are so up in arms. Otherwise, turn it off, buy the product of your choice that will use MS's VSS hook, or if that fails, a proprietary one.

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Bought a new laptop with Vista on it, Used it for a week then I got fed up! Threw XP Pro and Gentoo Linux on there and called it the day. I use Linux more anyways.


Nate: That might be true but any Linux Server distro setup correctly and tuned correctly is 100 times better than any tuned 2003 box. 2003 was alot better than 2000 server though.

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Bought a new laptop with Vista on it, Used it for a week then I got fed up! Threw XP Pro and Gentoo Linux on there and called it the day. I use Linux more anyways.


Nate: That might be true but any Linux Server distro setup correctly and tuned correctly is 100 times better than any tuned 2003 box. 2003 was alot better than 2000 server though.


I would say comparable, but if company X has the $, the resources (hardware), and the time - we've seen hugeeeeeeeeeeeee gains on the 2K3 vs RH / SuSE / BSD systems.


I'm not going to argue about TCO and how much of resource hog M$ can be, though.

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Just finished with the article. Shady copy sounds like a more annoying verison of VMS's File Revisiions.


I know personaly i hate it when family member screw shit up and restore points have saved my ass more then once. If this is just super restore points cool. helps the stupid users. For those paranoid I'm sure there will be a tweakui tool to delete the Shadowed files.

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vista on my desktop. I do have to say there are some things that have pissed me off. like no drivers for my wifes photoprinter. But I dunno i like it.

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