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Shooting at VA Tech


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cliffs as far as i understand:

1) Shooter goes to his gf's to talk to her, RA confronts him, he kills them both and shoots some other people

2) Campus police lock down the dorm, assuming that it was a lovers quarrel and an isolated conflict

3) hours later, busts in to a class carrying a pair of guns and more than a few clips, chains the door closed, and starts lining people up to die





Well that makes a lot more sense as to why they kind of considered it taken care of after the shooting in the dorm.

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I was really upset while working today and thinking of this. I couldn't stop thinking about how some of the students were just sitting in their classes pondering about what they're going to do later in the day or studying for a degree and some asshole decides it's upon him to end their lives so early, because of his own hollow soul. So fucking upsetting.
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The fuck is wrong withhalf these kids nowadays? Dunno if it's the video games or LACK of parenting. I understand being mad at something or someone, BUT why in God's name would anyone involve innocent people in their stupid madness? Thought I heard it was about a girl or some shit. That's some fucked up mess. Not to mention the police didn't respond to the first shooting? There's bound to be more copy cats I bet, hope to God Law Enforcement agencies get their fucking act right and respond.
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Some people are just the biggest pieces of SHIT!!!!!!!!!! just because their life is horrible or whatever they feel that by taking the lives of others is suppose to be better. Its like you cant be safe anywhere you go anymore. because there is FUCKING idiots everywhere in this day of age.
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I think when it boils down to this, the police and the university are utterly responsible. The police deffinately could've shut that whole campus down, and run from there. It's sad that just 2 hours later he strikes again. Whole situation is completely fucked up.


You make it sound like the shooter only had a secondary role in this tragedy.

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You make it sound like the shooter only had a secondary role in this tragedy.

Didn't mean it to come off like that, BUT the police and the university COULD have and SHOULD have locked that place down tighter than a tick's ass. Plain and simple, university has the inherent responsibility to protect it's students, and the police should be part of that protection. Either way it sucks and it happened, nobody can change that.

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classes should of been cancelled once they had heard of the incident at 7:15am in the dormrooms of the first two getting killed. RA's should of been going door-to-door telling kids or putting messages on the doors so that they would've known. I feel so bad about the families that lost family members. I don't if anyone listed to cnn tonight but they interviewed his roommates from last year. Very interesting. THey had so many clues that this kid was a mental case, it just never got put on his record.








I think

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Didn't mean it to come off like that, BUT the police and the university COULD have and SHOULD have locked that place down tighter than a tick's ass. Plain and simple, university has the inherent responsibility to protect it's students, and the police should be part of that protection. Either way it sucks and it happened, nobody can change that.

I believe the president of the university said they advised students to not go to class but an actual lockdown never occured. I think you're putting the blame on the wrong person(s). I think that since the incident already happened, and you've seen the outcome, that it's easier for you to judge what should have been done. At the time, however, their police did not see any immediate threat.





classes should of been cancelled once they had heard of the incident at 7:15am in the dormrooms of the first two getting killed. RA's should of been going door-to-door telling kids or putting messages on the doors so that they would've known. I feel so bad about the families that lost family members. I don't if anyone listed to cnn tonight but they interviewed his roommates from last year. Very interesting. THey had so many clues that this kid was a mental case, it just never got put on his record.








I think

His english teacher also notified the police of some plays he wrote. They couldn't do anything because he never specifically threatened anyone.

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After reading more about the shooter he seemed to be the near defintion of a sociopath. I do not understand how someone can randomly march though a college campus offing people with reckless abandon like so much target practice. Makes you feel sick inside.


However this is an unfortunate pattern in the human culture. For no good reason sometimes people snap. Whether its over an extended period of time, or a one-off event that causes it. The info I've been reading mostly went over his loner personality, fits of depression, and overall anti-social disposition. Some peoples wiring is just not correct, and without serious intervention (and most likely considerable medication) it is extremly difficult to stop, if possible at all.

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Guest Mushijobah
It is not very easy to spread the word of a 'lockdown' or actually enforce one on a campus that large, or any college campus for that matter. If you have ever been on a campus that large, you may understand. This also is not grade school. The administration isn't held accountable for the adult-students well-being. The only one to blame is the man who did it. He is now dead though. Blame often is focused on others once the actual perpetrator is gone. It seems to be human nature.
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I'm still curious how law enforcement officials were so certain that, after the initial shooting, it was an isolated incident and there was no particular risk of any additional violence.


Anyone know what law enforcement has offered in the way of an explanation for that?

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Not responsible for the students? Are you fucking kidding me? It's their entire responsibility to look after the people who PAY THEM to teach them, board them, educate what have you all that. If the weather had of been extremly shitty guess what? Classes would of closed due to a threat upon peoples livesby trying to venture to the school etc.


The shooter WASNT found from the initial event that happened ON CAMPUS DORMS. The moment that was realized it should of been cancled and trust me it's not THAT hard to close down an entire campus, osu did it just this past winter and there's umpteen trillion ways to get the news out within a two hour period of time.


I blame the police and the administration as well for making something that could of been confined into the big catastrophe that happened.


And lets not try to say anyones taking ANY blame from that cho fuck. HE killed all those students litterally, but the cops and the administration for the school may as well just sent them to their deaths by not taking an event that happened on their grounds serious enough.

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Guest Mushijobah
I'm saying there would be no 'lock down'. They should have put out an advisory of the situation. A similar event happend at OSU during a tornado warning. People were free to leave as they pleased, but it was not reccomended. At a highschool, there would be none of that seeing that it is the responsibility of the school district to keep the kids safe. College deals with adults. That is why no one from the university will get in serious trouble due to these deaths although I could see a resognation.
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During this winter there was no such thing as an advisary, the schools got shut down. It endangered the students lives to try to come to and or, to leave the school.


And another thing that pisses me off the most and not just about this case is how people can't seem to take some sort of hint of responsibility for jack shit anymore. Why the hell are we passing the buck on something like this? "Well we thought it was maybe just an isolated event" "Maybe there's two shooters!" "We couldn't close the school down even if we tried"




In our technological age getting information to people is easy as hell. Not to mention this alright, so lets say this IS a lovers quarral. This guys proven he can A. kill people and B. is unstable. Lets go down the next quasi-logical-sociopathic route or options next.


We can:


A. Kill ourselves. Lots of people do this option if they've been in this situation before as they realize "Oh shit! What have I done?!?" And don't wanna deal with the reprecussions of their actions or can't live with the acts they've commited.


B. Turn themselves in. This shit never happens but its there.


C. Well fuck it i've already killed a couple people, I may as well go kill some more people since i've already fucked myself. Then when reality starts to sorta settle back in I guess ill "oh shit!" and then kill myself.


As long as you had ANY of the above actions ON SCHOOL TERRIOTORY they the hell wouldn't it be closed???


Lastly, i'm real upset also at the fact they didn't try to give this kid help not just jail, after reading his initial writings. This guy doesn't sound like your typical murderer who does it for pleasure or whatever reasons. This guy had serious social disorders and NEEDED HELP. That teacher pointed out that SOMEONE could of looked into trying to get with this guy mentally but shit all happened.


Bah just disguested at a lot of this stuff i guess :(

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Lastly, i'm real upset also at the fact they didn't try to give this kid help not just jail, after reading his initial writings. This guy doesn't sound like your typical murderer who does it for pleasure or whatever reasons. This guy had serious social disorders and NEEDED HELP. That teacher pointed out that SOMEONE could of looked into trying to get with this guy mentally but shit all happened. (


Um, he DID go to a mental hospital. People like that are so deep into their own bullshit, they're almost bound to it. I doubt anything could have helped him.



This is one of those situations where a spectator can't make a judgement. You weren't there, you may have comprehended something differently int hat situation/environment. Once again, I think people make these authoritative calls only because they've seen the outcome, so they think it's clear to them how it could have been prevented.

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Granted I know this kid game on in and did his shit, obvious it happened, and that's that. It's just sad that law enforcement, again LAW ENFORCEMENT (it's in their name to ENFORCE the LAW) didn't take much action at all trying to find out what happened on the 1st shooting. They figured all was safe, and the university sent E-mails? Again, the police and university could've done a lot more, therefore, they both have a hand in this. It maybe small, but they could've done more. The college students maybe "free" to do whatever, but when police corral people up I doubt they'd leave.
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