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Bye Bye Strip Clubs


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I am sure that there are many people that would like them to go away so there is less chance there daughter will end up there.


I wouldn't want my daughter to go there either, if I had one. But you are taking that decision away from them. I wouldn't want my daughter in porn either, should we ban that too?


Where does it end? How much banning is enough?



No matter your religious background, or lack of, I doubt that any one could give a good argument with regards to the clubs being helpful to any community. The clubs are mainly located in less desirable areas because most people will not stand for the drop in property value they will sustain if a new club opens next door to them.


You can say the same about lots of other things, but the point is that the state is dictating how they do buisness, which I think will put them out of buisness. I mean, lets face it when someone goes to a strip club they want a girl on them, not 6 feet away. And we all know 6 feet will definitly put a stop any possibility of drugs getting passed around.



BTW... it was the bible thumpers that wrote the constitution that allows the states the right to regulate such activity.


Ya, and the whole "freedom of religion" thing too.


I wonder what all of the out of buisness strippers and club owners do once they go out of buisness? I'm sure all of them will be law abiding citizens.

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I wonder what all of the out of buisness strippers and club owners do once they go out of buisness? I'm sure all of them will be law abiding citizens.

LOL are you generalizing strippers and club owners as criminals just because of the business they're in?

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LOL are you generalizing strippers and club owners as criminals just because of the business they're in?


No, my point is the ones who prostitute/sell drugs/etc. are just gonna go and clean up because of this. Which this new law was put in place to stop.

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No, my point is the ones who prostitute/sell drugs/etc. are just gonna go and clean up because of this. Which this new law was put in place to stop.

Most of the ones dealing with drugs and prostitution are already doing it. In fact, a lot of them do it at the strip clubs.

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I think it would be a broad generalization to say that it is the only the bible thumpers that would ike to see the clubs go away. I am sure that there are many people that would like them to go away so there is less chance there daughter will end up there.


No matter your religious background, or lack of, I doubt that any one could give a good argument with regards to the clubs being helpful to any community. The clubs are mainly located in less desirable areas because most people will not stand for the drop in property value they will sustain if a new club opens next door to them.


I have a great idea...those of you that think we should have the strip clubs remain the same, go out and start getting signatures of Ohio residents to introduce a measure on the ballot to protect the clubs. I can see it now...


" Excuse me! We are with the strip club association. We are gathering signatures to help protect the strippers rights to take there clothes off for your husband. Can we count on your support?"


BTW... it was the bible thumpers that wrote the constitution that allows the states the right to regulate such activity.


Well as much as I appreciate a good welt from the ol' bible belt, allow me to retort.


I want to see breasts.


There are of-age females in full consent that will show me their breasts for a fee.


Where in this equation do your religious beliefs, or future parental desires come into play ? Oh wait ... they don't.


As far as property values go, I will agree, but thats why you don't have any strip clubs in New Albany, or in the middle of uptown Dublin. Because the communities decide. When Worthington opened that strip club by the mall a couple years back, the community fought, and it was shut down. The COM-MUN-ITY, not the state.


As far as petitions go, you bring up an interesting point. Though what is the reason people won't sign. Because years of religious hypocrisy, has painted the idea of "sex" in this country as a bad thing. A societal faux pas to be shunned, and embarrassed of. Of course they won't sign. Yet nothing is more natural than sex, as a matter of fact, denying oneself is what should be considered odd. Look at all the catholic priests ogling altar boys by the dozen. They all took vows of celibacy, how good did it do them ?


Also I love it when people bring up how the constitution was written by people practicing their freedom of religion, yet they're always the first to harp on anyone not ALSO practicing the same exact thing. Freedom of RELIGION ... as long as you're christian that is ...

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Most of the ones dealing with drugs and prostitution are already doing it. In fact, a lot of them do it at the strip clubs.


WOW, you obviously know nothing about strip clubs do you? Or drug dealers for that matter. Im not saying im an expert at either or that I want to be but if I were to sell something illegal why would I want to do it in a public setting? Besides, do you know how many 'dealers' ive seen kicked out of clubs because they're trying to sell.


It's not just strip clubs... bars, clubs, any social setting for that matter could be a catalyst for drugs to be exchanged. Should we outlaw regular clubs too? Exactly that will DEFINITLY fix the problem right?


This is a bandaid for social problem's that have been effecting our culture for generations. Some Soccer mom friendly organization is using it as an excuse to prevent what THEY THINK isn't right. Fuckin' bullshit.


Oh and I think it's important to know this. This organization (forgive me I can't remember their name right now) is based out of Cinci. They were successful in shutting down any adult entertainment clubs there so decided they would spread. Do you know where those strip clubs went? And what they were replaced with? Prostitution, yeah thats alot better than having regulated strip clubs right?

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Well as much as I appreciate a good welt from the ol' bible belt, allow me to retort.


I want to see breasts.


There are of-age females in full consent that will show me their breasts for a fee.


Where in this equation do your religious beliefs, or future parental desires come into play ? Oh wait ... they don't.


As far as property values go, I will agree, but thats why you don't have any strip clubs in New Albany, or in the middle of uptown Dublin. Because the communities decide. When Worthington opened that strip club by the mall a couple years back, the community fought, and it was shut down. The COM-MUN-ITY, not the state.


As far as petitions go, you bring up an interesting point. Though what is the reason people won't sign. Because years of religious hypocrisy, has painted the idea of "sex" in this country as a bad thing. A societal faux pas to be shunned, and embarrassed of. Of course they won't sign. Yet nothing is more natural than sex, as a matter of fact, denying oneself is what should be considered odd. Look at all the catholic priests ogling altar boys by the dozen. They all took vows of celibacy, how good did it do them ?


Also I love it when people bring up how the constitution was written by people practicing their freedom of religion, yet they're always the first to harp on anyone not ALSO practicing the same exact thing. Freedom of RELIGION ... as long as you're christian that is ...


Could not have said it better myself.

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WOW, you obviously know nothing about strip clubs do you? Or drug dealers for that matter. Im not saying im an expert at either or that I want to be but if I were to sell something illegal why would I want to do it in a public setting? Besides, do you know how many 'dealers' ive seen kicked out of clubs because they're trying to sell.

I'm sorry, I based my judement solely off the fact that Olympus in Worthington, while it was still open, was under investigation due to several of the strippers selling narcotics. Now I must go back and study more about strip joints so I can hopefully gain the amount of the knowledge you possess about them.

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As far as property values go, I will agree, but thats why you don't have any strip clubs in New Albany, or in the middle of uptown Dublin. Because the communities decide. When Worthington opened that strip club by the mall a couple years back, the community fought, and it was shut down. The COM-MUN-ITY, not the state.


The state has the upper hand in deciding the legality of the business. Like it or not the state regulates many types of business, including mine. The individual communities certainly still have say if they will allow a club there or not.


Also I love it when people bring up how the constitution was written by people practicing their freedom of religion, yet they're always the first to harp on anyone not ALSO practicing the same exact thing. Freedom of RELIGION ... as long as you're christian that is ...


To the lost individual, anyone trying to spread Christianity may be viewed as harping, due to your own conviction.

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To the lost individual, anyone trying to spread Christianity may be viewed as harping, due to your own conviction.


But the way he uses harping means enforcing like by laws, I think (like the current topic), where as spreading beliefs are either freely taken or rejected.

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I'm sorry, I based my judement solely off the fact that Olympus in Worthington, while it was still open, was under investigation due to several of the strippers selling narcotics. Now I must go back and study more about strip joints so I can hopefully gain the amount of the knowledge you possess about them.


I told you in my post, im no expert. And my post may have come off a little harsh I apologize. My intention was to simply say just b/c its a strip club doesn't mean its a catalyst for all things evil or amoral. A drug dealer wont stop selling drugs just b/c his favorite booby bar shut down.

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But the way he uses harping means enforcing like by laws, I think (like the current topic), where as spreading beliefs are either freely taken or rejected.




Practice whatever religious beliefs you want. If you feel the need to tell others and share your beliefs ... GREAT ... do it. You can be spiritual, without being religious though. What you don't do, is go out of the way to fuck others cause you think their beliefs (or lack thereof) contradict yours, thus making that individual "evil" or "amoral". Morals are subjective, and I need more people telling me how to live like a need a hole in the head. Thats the problem with all religion as a whole. Whenever someone thinks outside of their little closed in box, its like the whole world is gonna explode if they are not silenced. Look at the mess were in with all the crazy ass, extremist, fundamentalist muslims out there. You think their convictions are any less sincere ? Believe it or not there are a billion people that are just as religious, and absoluteley sure of their rightousness almost solely based off of childhood indoctrination into a religion, directly related to what region of the world you reside on.


Of course I'm not trying to make a direct comparison between terrorism, and the shutting down of adult clubs. Its just the mentality of one thinking their ideas trump others based off of a belief with no scientific evidence to support their claims. If I tell you that gravity causes things to fall to the earth, and you don't believe me thats fine. Though I can still throw an apple above your head and it will strike you, over, and over, and over ad nauseum. If you tell me that Adam was the first human being, or that Allah is going to give you 70 virgins when you die, thats fine too. Though don't expect me to believe you (or worse take OFFENSE) without a shred of verifiable data to back you up.


(though I love how I am instantly labeled as "lost")

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Morals are subjective, and I need more people telling me how to live like a need a hole in the head.


(though I love how I am instantly labeled as "lost")


Morals are not subjective. This is the thought process that has led America and other nations down a dangerous path. With morals being subjective, you have sodomites marring, NAMBLA, and any other perverse practice that you can think of being viewed as "O.K.". If morals are subjective then are pedophiles being thrown in Jail? Why do most states have Sodomy laws? Like it or not our system of laws was based on Biblical principles. That is why the 10 commandments are engraved at the supreme court.


If you want to live in a civilized country you are going to have people telling you how to live. I don't like the 65mph speed limit, but I have to observe it because someone thought it was a good idea.


Your wittings suggest someone with little or no religious conviction, therefore I used the term lost with reference to the spreading of Christianity. If I am wrong please accept my apology :)

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Morals are not subjective.


Hmm, tell that to the terrorists.


Like it or not our system of laws was based on Biblical principles.


You can see the similarities, but that by no means to enforce all beliefs of christianity into laws, or we need to start modifying the bill of rights to match.


That is why the 10 commandments are engraved at the supreme court.


Huh? I can only see 2 commandments that possibly translate. Not killing most obvious, and to some degree of lying (under oath, gov't officals/officers, etc.)


If you want to live in a civilized country you are going to have people telling you how to live.


Oh you mean politicians telling us how to live, even though one said this particular bill wouldn't pass if it was silent, cause they are the most civilized and law abiding.

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The only dangerous path, is that of intolerance.

oh here we go.....



The old intolerance/racist/bigot excuse. People who like the social degradation that the US has been on since the 1960's throw that out. Intolerance.... should we tolerate NAMBLA? It always makes me laugh when someone tries to make a moral stand they are told they are intolerant, a racist, a bigot, a hate monger , an homophobe. ect



The dangerous path is to allow an anything goes society. Next thing, some guy is wanting to marry his dog.

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Hmm, tell that to the terrorists.


Good point, but if you allow the "morals are subjective" aurgument you end up with that behavior.


You can see the similarities, but that by no means to enforce all beliefs of christianity into laws, or we need to start modifying the bill of rights to match.


Acutaully the bill of rights align with biblical principles well. The framers of the bill did a very good job of outlining this


Huh? I can only see 2 commandments that possibly translate. Not killing most obvious, and to some degree of lying (under oath, gov't officals/officers, etc.)

They were the basic laws sent through Moses to the Jews. These basic commandments have been the foundation of law in many countries predating our own. Other laws are derived from the spirit of the original ten.




"We have staked the whole of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God' James Madison



Oh you mean politicians telling us how to live, even though one said this particular bill wouldn't pass if it was silent, cause they are the most civilized and law abiding.


Like it or not someone has to be in charge. Or are you suggesting we should not have a government because the politicians are not perfect?

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oh here we go.....



The old intolerance/racist/bigot excuse. People who like the social degradation that the US has been on since the 1960's throw that out. Intolerance.... should we tolerate NAMBLA? It always makes me laugh when someone tries to make a moral stand they are told they are intolerant, a racist, a bigot, a hate monger , an homophobe. ect



The dangerous path is to allow an anything goes society. Next thing, some guy is wanting to marry his dog.


When your morals mean imposing restictions on other law-abiding adults with the same rights as you, based off of a fairy tale book that also happens to have some decent stories about good and evil (of which there is plenty of evil with the good) yes I call bigotry. Not just bigotry, but facism. The ten commandments ... pllllllleaaaaase ... do you remember what the punishment for adultery is for women (just women by the way OF COURSE) in the old testament ? Its stoning ! Not just stoning, but stoning in front of their families doorstep ... is that also a a good lesson to teach your kids. There are plenty of little ignored hypocricies in modern christianity but its the christians themselves that pick and choose which bullshit to swallow. Hence the reason even they can't agree on anything. Baptists, Catholics, Mormon, Jehovahs ... whos right ? Or better yet, who cares. Congadulations, welcome to the state of religious rule. Whats best is how the churches want seperation when it comes to taxes ... but want their fucking noses in everyone elses business for everything else. Its obvious you have religious blinders over your eyes and will fabricate any excuse nessesary to deflect the fact that its basically none of your business what other adults do with their sex life as long as its within the law.

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When your morals mean imposing restictions on other law-abiding adults with the same rights as you, based off of a fairy tale book that also happens to have some decent stories about good and evil (of which there is plenty of evil with the good) yes I call bigotry. Not just bigotry, but facism. The ten commandments ... pllllllleaaaaase ... do you remember what the punishment for adultery is for women (just women by the way OF COURSE) in the old testament ? Its stoning ! Not just stoning, but stoning in front of their families doorstep ... is that also a a good lesson to teach your kids. There are plenty of little ignored hypocricies in modern christianity but its the christians themselves that pick and choose which bullshit to swallow. Hence the reason even they can't agree on anything. Baptists, Catholics, Mormon, Jehovahs ... whos right ? Or better yet, who cares. Congadulations, welcome to the state of religious rule. Whats best is how the churches want seperation when it comes to taxes ... but want their fucking noses in everyone elses business for everything else. Its obvious you have religious blinders over your eyes and will fabricate any excuse nessesary to deflect the fact that its basically none of your business what other adults do with their sex life as long as its within the law.


Did you take you BP meds today? Sounds like I hit a sore spot.... or is that conviction?

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Did you take you BP meds today? Sounds like I hit a sore spot.... or is that conviction?


No it sounds like you've resorted to insulting me because you can't come up with a counter response. Though it may not be completely your fault because cynicism is often mistaken for anger when your online. I respect that you have a spiritual side. If it makes your life better good for you, I hope your happy. Just keep it in your church or family setting and thats fine. Start to understand that everyone has a right to their own point of view about what to believe about life (afterlife?).


(Though your response could have been a joke, and I don't know because of the lack of inflection thats sorely absent on the interweb)

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When your morals mean imposing restictions on other law-abiding adults with the same rights as you, based off of a fairy tale book that also happens to have some decent stories about good and evil (of which there is plenty of evil with the good) yes I call bigotry.


Classic christian persecution. BTW the Bible has 66 books 43 authors and was written over 1800 years. The vast majority of th authors never met. yet there are NO mistakes and NO contradictions. Fairy tale book? :bs:


Not just bigotry, but facism.

This shows your COMPLETE lack of understanding of the bible principles. Facism states that one class is good and the others are bad. The Bible states that we are all the same. The only difference between us is whether we are belivers or not.


The ten commandments ... pllllllleaaaaase ... do you remember what the punishment for adultery is for women (just women by the way OF COURSE) in the old testament ? Its stoning ! Not just stoning, but stoning in front of their families doorstep ... is that also a a good lesson to teach your kids. There are plenty of little ignored hypocricies in modern christianity but its the christians themselves that pick and choose which bullshit to swallow.


Again your ignorance shines. The old testament law was used by God to show humans that we cannot possible live up to every aspect of what God wants. The old testament law showed that Christ must be relied upon.

Hypocricy is human nature, we all are in some aspect.


Hence the reason even they can't agree on anything. Baptists, Catholics, Mormon, Jehovahs ... whos right ? Or better yet, who cares. Congadulations, welcome to the state of religious rule. Whats best is how the churches want seperation when it comes to taxes ... but want their fucking noses in everyone elses business for everything else.


Out of those four I can only count one that actually follows the Bible and not adds to what the bible says.


Its obvious you have religious blinders over your eyes and will fabricate any excuse necessary to deflect the fact that its basically none of your business what other adults do with their sex life as long as its within the law.


The funny thing is I was like you at one time. I mocked Christians. Thought that people that went to church were "Jesus Freaks". I went to MANY strip clubs in my day. I was not a "good" person.


Something happened though, I finally got to a point in my life that I figured out that I did not have and never will have all the answers. I am not perfect but I try to be a decent person.


I could seriously care less if you go to the clubs. What you do in you bedroom is none of my or anyone else's business. When someone blames something on the "bible thumpers" I will stand up. The liberals in America constantly push there issues of Gay marriage ect. Anyone is opposing those agenda are labeled with some derogatory name.

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No it sounds like you've resorted to insulting me because you can't come up with a counter response. Though it may not be completely your fault because cynicism is often mistaken for anger when your online. I respect that you have a spiritual side. If it makes your life better good for you, I hope your happy. Just keep it in your church or family setting and thats fine. Start to understand that everyone has a right to their own point of view about what to believe about life (afterlife?).


(Though your response could have been a joke, and I don't know because of the lack of inflection thats sorely absent on the interweb)

That was the best I could do at the time.... I was leaving work :p

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I want to be able to pay, drink and see women get neked. If I want to blow my money on walking away with a hardon, it's my damn decision. Fuck morals, women get neked, so what. With enough, anyone can walk away with a happy ending, but usually it's not likely for most. It's like guns in America, you don't like it, get THE FUCK OUT. Titties stay.
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Acutaully the bill of rights align with biblical principles well. The framers of the bill did a very good job of outlining this


Re-read my post, you aren't saying use it as a guide, you are saying it should all be extactly as christian law.



They were the basic laws sent through Moses to the Jews. These basic commandments have been the foundation of law in many countries predating our own. Other laws are derived from the spirit of the original ten.


I know what they commandments are, but I see no other correlation beyond killing and lying, please point out others.



"We have staked the whole of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God' James Madison


So what, our currency says "In God We Trust", it means nothing with freedom of religion and a divergence from christian law.

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