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I love it! Nothing pisses me off more than fuckers that drive in the left lane <5mph over the limit and what gets me even more are the ones that either choose not to move over or don't fucking look up to notice the line of 8 cars behind them bouncing around to catch a glimpse of the dumb ass holding up the flow of traffic!
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This is quite possibly my #1 pet peeve.


I drive 30 miles each way every day, always to be impeded by some jackass in his ford taurus going 65.02MPH in the passing lane.


That or the semi speeding up to 55.2 mph to pass his trucker buddy only going 55.1 mph, ensuring that I have 10 minutes of agony while they fight it out for supremacy amongst the two lanes





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This is quite possibly my #1 pet peeve.


I drive 30 miles each way every day, always to be impeded by some jackass in his ford taurus going 65.02MPH in the passing lane.


That or the semi speeding up to 55.2 mph to pass his trucker buddy only going 55.1 mph, ensuring that I have 10 minutes of agony while they fight it out for supremacy amongst the two lanes


LOL, dude I couldn't agree with you more, I deal with the same shit all the time. People need to learn how to drive. Their stupidity and lack of common sense and driving ability amazes me.

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In michigan, this isnt a problem. people actually get over, its BEAUTIFUL. too bad people here are too retarded to get over, and they arent willing to change. if you're a passenger with someone who does this, and you tell them to get over they get all defensive like 'why should i move over? is there a law!? am i going to get pulled over? no! this guy behind me needs to slow down anyways! im a giant douche!'



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I saw a riced out Honda Civic in Gatlinburg, TN with just the "Move Over" backwards on his windshield. It made me laugh. But I am a strong believe in this. I always drive this way. I try to stay in the right hand lane except to pass. I really like the law in I believe Indiana where you cannot drive int he left hand lane for more than one mile. I have no idea how they enforce it, but I think it is a really good idea.
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