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National Trail Pizza


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We ordered 1 large pizza with one half chicken and mushrooms, the other half banana peppers and ham. We also ordered 1 Italian Sub, and 1 small shake.


The deliver boy comes, and says, "$24.85".


Now, here are their menu prices -


Large -

Cheese Only - 9.50

2 items - 11.00

4 items - 14.00


Italian Sub - 4.35

Shake - 2.50


That makes $17.85 so far, plus they charge $2.00 for delivery, making a grand total of $19.85.


My wife called, asked for a manager, and got "Kyle", the owner's Son. Extremely rude and unprofessional. Claimed that he rightfully charged us for 4 items (.5 items times 4 now equals 4 items somehow), and that my wife must not be able to read the menu (btw, I did not learn of this comment until after I returned from talking to Kyle face-to-face - see below.)


I called, asked for the owner, got another rude co-worker, listened to "Kyle" shout at me from the background, and learned the owner is not in the store. I asked, "So half peppers and half mushroom would equal 2 additional items?"


"Yes, Sir. That's how it's always been." Of course, they don't own a computer to check the fact that we order from there once a month, and this is the first time they've used this wonderful fuzzy math.


So, I drove there, and here was their (Kyle's) answer...


$15.50 for an $11 pizza

$ 4.35 for a sub

$ 2.50 for a shake

$ 2.00 delivery.


This equals $24.35, an even different amount. A complete joke. His wrap-it-all-up answer??? ...



"You don't have to buy your pizzas here."



There were a lot more things said after that, but you get the idea. In summary... low-skilled scam artists that can't keep their stories straight for 30 seconds while trying to pull their scam. But, I got to go for a VERY spirited bike ride on the way there and back. :)

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Yes, we ate it. You try taking food away from a new mom on her first day back to work in 3 months after skipping her lunch.


I did not ask for any money back, in fact, I tipped the driver. I am stopping there on my way home from work tomorrow to have a chat with Kyle's mom.

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buy a 2 liter from them... shake it up real good. then yell BOMBS AWAY as u throw it in the kitchen.



If you want to see something really sweet... freeze a 2 litre, then poke it with a knife. BEWARE!!!!! Do this OUTSIDE, and at least 20FT AWAY FROM ANYTHING YOU DONT WANT SLUSH ALL OVER!


It will explode... not like fizzy bubbley explode, like GRENADE explode.

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keep it 20ft away from anything you care about, but run up and poke a hole in it?


well its basically just rapid decompression except instead of a loud boom, frozen slushy soda goes all over the place, but it does travel parrallel to the lines of the bottle... meaning along the longest surface of the bottle. So if you hold it perpendicular to you, and poke the bottom, itll still go everywhere, but much less where ever you are.


I did this at work once, and it made such a mess, that i didnt even bother trying to clean it up... i made someone else do it. Took them 17min. :lol:

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Im the RGM of Pizza Hut @ 4903 W.Broad.


Im on vacation this week though. Dont go back to work untill the 8th.


Do we get a CR discount? I live about a mile from there.

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