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I-670 at Fifth Avenue (East and West)


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This morning, about 8:45AM, on I-670 Eastbound there was a motorcycle cop about a 1/4 mile West of Fifth Avenue.


There was a cruiser about 200 feet West of Fifth Avenue going Westbound.


Those motorcycle cops are hard to spot until it's too late. Be careful.

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Saw then all over today.......must be the sun....they really like to hide under bridges in the shadows. Too bad the bastards couldn't catch me today :D:p Gotcha today Po-Po!!! :cool:
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I just don't really speed anymore. Typically 5-9mph over, and if I know there are cops out, I'll just do 5 over. Not worth it to get fucked over on my rates.
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I do the same most of the time....seriously. Today I passed one that I saw a ways, ways back going my typical 73mph in the center lane. He never took his eye off the gun. I sense they are looking for the bad, bad boys going 80+.


IIRC anything under 10mph on 55mph+ roads doesn't give points, just a fine. Could be wrong....but money I can deal with..points piss me off.



I just don't really speed anymore. Typically 5-9mph over, and if I know there are cops out, I'll just do 5 over. Not worth it to get fucked over on my rates.
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9mph and under is a no-points speed. It still shows up as a speed to your insurance, and they don't care if it's 9 or 29 - they'll raise your rates.


I have a 59 in a 55 from about this time last year. It's bullshit.

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As much as I can appreciate what they do in some respects, the below is why I'm glad cops don't get paid shit. 59 in a 55 is a waste of my tax dollars. Sorry if that offends anyone.


I have a 59 in a 55 from about this time last year. It's bullshit.
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theyve been working all of 670 the past few days. around lunch time on monday, i saw FIVE of them on the westbound side in the 55 zone, from 71 to third street. 3 of them had ppl pulled over, one was just chillin and the other was running radar.


other than that ive seen about 20 people pulled over this week on 670. watch it out there.



i agree with the 5-9 over. i had a state trooper tell me once that he wont pull anyone over going less than 76. im sure the cops know if they are hidden well enough, soon enough someone will come by at 90 :)

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theyve been working all of 670 the past few days. around lunch time on monday, i saw FIVE of them on the westbound side in the 55 zone, from 71 to third street. 3 of them had ppl pulled over, one was just chillin and the other was running radar.


other than that ive seen about 20 people pulled over this week on 670. watch it out there.



i agree with the 5-9 over. i had a state trooper tell me once that he wont pull anyone over going less than 76. im sure the cops know if they are hidden well enough, soon enough someone will come by at 90 :)


+1 leaving school they are always atleast 2-3 cars pulled over

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As much as I can appreciate what they do in some respects, the below is why I'm glad cops don't get paid shit. 59 in a 55 is a waste of my tax dollars. Sorry if that offends anyone.

i agree!! cops piss me off, i got a warning for spinning my tires in the parking lot after work, my mnger didnt care cas she does the same thing, but yeah the cops was a complete asshole, and they wont do anything about the shoplifers we catch at the store all the time, they say we just have to let them go... grr

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